Love/ Heart

Love / ღ Heart

Love learns to burn from the one who burns.

Only love, which manifests itself in many ways, can give today’s world what it is constantly seeking.

The Christian knows that love is the reason why God establishes a relationship with man.

Life teaches that true love can work miracles. A loving person can change a person who has stopped loving.

There is nothing that would make the service of love useless. He who wants to get rid of love gets rid of himself as a human being.

Both the bird and the soul have two wings each. One wing is the command of love for God and the other is the command of love of neighbor. If you want to fly, you need both wings. One wing is not enough for flying.

It takes a lot of courage to make love. For to love, that is, to give up one’s superiority over the other, to give in to a dispute, to forgive his mistakes and to accept his shortcomings with patience and compassion.

Love of God without love of neighbor is not true love. The principle is that we cannot love the God we do not see if we do not love the neighbor we see.

Love of God feeds on love of neighbor and love of neighbor finds its source in love of God.

Let us remember that love gives joy to life, pain gives it value and faith gives light. We can talk about three secrets: heart, soul and conscience.

Love is a gift. We must not keep the gift from God for others, or give only to the elect from it. ❀ღ✿

Is it difficult to understand why the command of love is so important? The answer is simple. We are children of love. We are called God’s children.

Who counts the elapsed nights, the tears, the prayers, the self-denials of those who love, even if their love is trampled on, rejected, betrayed? Who gives them the strength to love even then? Human strength is certainly not enough.

Sin killed love in the heart, reason, feelings, words, deeds.

Who gives us this power to love? On what basis can we forget about ourselves and be here for the other? Only he who knows and knows that he is loved can and can love.

We would like to love, but for people to be according to our will. There are few such people in the area, if they can be found at all.

The happiness of love does not lie in being loved, but in loving. We must not forget that love is the only thing that distinguishes God’s children from the children of the devil.

Love is a source of joy and health, hatred is the way to the grave.

Love is the essence of our lives and the goal of our efforts on earth. Love is the strongest power, the strength, the weapon that God could have given us. God has put love in the heart of every man without distinction. Love is not just for someone. We are all to love, to be loved by word and deed. We do not save by love. Love must not be reserved. Love cannot blackmail. In love, we have to grow, develop and put it into concrete deeds of everyday life.

Inner love is the kindness of the heart that evokes in us the loving acceptance of any human being.

There is a huge hunger for love all over the world. The whole world is a song about God’s love.

If we really want to love, we have to disengage from ourselves in particular. We must selflessly give and love to the end; this liberation is long-term work and strenuous, but it is a source of balance and the secret of happiness.

Love is a gift of God. We should use all available human means to obtain it, but first and foremost we must ask for love, expect it, and humbly welcome it with an open heart.

He who truly loves another will understand his weaknesses and imperfections.

How easy and important it is to remember and help appreciate the truth: God loves you! It is true in moments of zeal and enthusiasm, as well as in moments of drought and disgust.

Love breeds trust.

Love encourages man to ask God for what is in accordance with his will.

According to Jesus’ example, a Christian is himself when he is “for others”, these are the signs of great people – our lives only make sense in connection with the lives of others.

A man who has love does not examine the intention of others in their actions; he never thinks he is doing better than others and never exalts himself above his neighbor; on the contrary, he thinks that others always do better than he does. He will not be offended when his neighbor is preferred to him; even if they despise him, he remains satisfied because he thinks he deserves even more contempt.

Several manifestations of true love are more effective than many words.

Increasingly, we should strive to create an enthusiastic desire to love that we will apply everywhere – so that love always prevails over sin.

The act of love is the dew for the heart; words of love are the sun for the growth of life.

Love – a triad of stratification of the divine in the human and the human in the divine.

The best way – the way of love.

To love someone means to always live from the beginning.

The sacrificial heart should be characterized by selfless nobility.

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