Whoever wants sees fantastic things.

The period of Advent also includes the visit of a priest to the sick who cannot visit the church due to their illness or old age, thus accepting the sacrament of reconciliation and the anointing of the sick. However, there are also cases where the son or daughter does not care about his soul, neglects his grandparents, and does not allow them to receive these sacraments. However, we have brothers and sisters among us who, although family ties do not bind them, often only neighbourly relations and will take care of the sacrament for these old and sick. I look forward to their dedication, love, and willingness to help these elderly believers.

This relationship reminds us of an event from this gospel. Jesus taught in one house surrounded by Pharisees and scribes who thought they were the most exemplary sons of Abraham, Isaac, and James. And yet, what happened then says something else. It is not enough to say, “Lord, Lord,” said the Lord Jesus, for faith without works is dead. And this is what the actions of the men who brought the paralysed man and tried to get him inside and put him in front of Jesus. But when they found no passage for the crowd, they brought him up to the roof, and let him down on the bed, and led him down straight before Jesus. When he saw their faith, he said, “Man, your sins are forgiven” (Lk 5:20). These words raised questions among the “perfect” attendees: “Who is it? After all, who is cursing! Who can forgive sins besides God?” They listened to Jesus’ words but did not receive them. Their hearts were far from Jesus, though physically so close. But Jesus perceived their thoughts and said unto them, What reason ye in your hearts? Which is easier – to say, “Your sins are forgiven,” or to say, “Arise and walk?” (Lk 5:23). And then he will give them proof that he is indeed the expected Messiah when he says, “But that you may know that the Son of man has the power to forgive sins on earth,” he said to the paralysed, “I say to you: Arise, get up your bed and go home!” (Lk 5.24).

However, the evangelist also wrote down the reaction of those who believed in the deity of Jesus Christ when he wrote: All were amazed and glorified, and they said, “We have seen admirable things today” (Lk 5:26). A believing Christian who arranges for a longing brother or sister to meet God on the sacraments knows how they rejoice and rejoice. Often the priest is pleased about such meetings because these are often incomprehensible things in which to see the joy and power of the Holy Spirit. However, it depends on how we are disposed of, that is, how we prepare, open up to the Lord Jesus, find time for him, or give our whole hearts to him. This is necessary when we meet the Lord Jesus—doing it out of conviction and realizing that it is not an everyday event.

Let us also remember the words of the centurion, whom Jesus praised for the words, “Lord, do not be weary, for I am not worthy to enter under my roof” (Lk 7: 6). that the Lord Jesus also looks at them with love and wants to bless them for it, to reward their efforts, care, and love. If one of you mediated reconciliation with God and died, he knows what an incredible joy it is for a believer. Still, At the same time, the strength that the one to whom we mediated the atonement with God begs for us is interceding so that we too may meet with the reconciliation of Jesus Christ. many times it does not cost so much, perhaps a little goodwill and time, and although the sick will not return to the health of the body, the health of the soul will return, which we lose consciously and voluntarily committed sin.

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