Holy Day Family feast -year A

Introduction In our lives there are times that a person is particularly pleased  and  then has a long  time to mention. We also experience similar  moments in these days when we celebrate Christmas and  commemorate  the birth of Jesus Christ. An unfaithful person might ask. Why do Christmas days  give  a man  a special joy that is quite different from  the joy  of the other  holidays?  The answer we all know:this is because God has  done the  greatest  deed of love for Christmas. He sent to the world of his Son to bring us back to himself. Therefore,to us,  much  clearer than ever, the words of St. John: God  so loved  the world that  he sent his only-begotten  Son. 

Today we have  a deeper understanding of how the advent of the  Son of God in this world  and the way God  decided  to  make the work of our salvation.He did it through the family as a journey  of salvation. It shows how important the family is. God through the family from beginning of the world leads people together.

God created a man as a man and woman, appointed  them  for a fruitful martial life. He blessed  them  by  suggesting  a family  journey of  salvation. In the testimony of God’-s blessing  and  salvation   throw the family. Abraham continues to receive  from  the  Supreme promise:I will give you a blessing  and  forgery of your offspring. It will be like  starts in heaven and  like  sand  on  the sea shore. They offspring will empower the gates  of  theirs enemies  and  in your offspring will  be  blessed  by  all  nation’s of the  earth because  they obeyed  my voice. In  the  light  and  strength of these God’s promises in Israel deep family  religion and  moral  purity   have been developed. In the  religious families, faith we  held  In God’s promise, culminating when  God  sent  the  world  to his  son. 

The son of God came not as a stranger an overland  being, but as a child  to the family. God  sent the angel not the  Grand Council nor to  the Herodian Palace, but  to the Virgin of the Man from the  genus  David   the  Name  of Joseph. And  the  Name  of  the  Virgin  was  Mary. When  she pronouns  her, behold  the  servant  of  the Lord , whether  it  becomes  my word  when the Holy  Spirit  descend  to  her, and  she  will  hear  the  son  of  the  supreme,when Joseph hears God’s voice and  takes Mary  for his wife, he  comes to the world  of Salvation in the  Holy Family’s  womb. But what was  the Family? But what was the  family   Everything in it was  the holy  presence of  the  sacred. Through the Holy Family  God  began the  work  of redemption  of the  human tribe. In this Episode God continues. However, in order for our  families to be able to engage in the  work of salvation, they must be  such as Nazareth-Holy. The Saints will become when , in their  midst. Jesus is going to be reinstated by  their lively  presence. Such families were also in the past instruments through which God fulfilled  his  promises to carry out the work of  salvation . These families handed out  not  only  natural life, but also the  life of faith , religion  and scriveners of love. In history, we have  long  periods of  time when the church  did  not have  Schools, catechistic centers and various organizations , but had  good  and holy families  that maintained  and  handed  out  Christian life.

Pope  Leo XIII laying down the shores  of the Nominem Fugit dated  14. June 19´892 Feast of the Holy  Family, gives such Guidelines to the  healing  of  Christian families. Family Life is released it  needs  to  be  healed, so a Special feast is set, which would make the Catholic families remember  their  essential  Goal. Fathers  are  supposed  to learn  from St. Joseph’s care and  to care for  their Household. Mothers have  a pattern of  faithlessness and  model  in the  Blessed  Virgin  Mary Children again have  to follow   the  obedience  of Jesus Christ.

These words also apply to the future. Good Family  life is an important life way in which Christ Comes to us. The Church will not be saved either by the press or by associations or organizations but by Christian families living in the spirit of the Gospel. The Family whose  central figure is Christ. You may be messed up like  today to get Christ into  families. The answer is simple and  is given by Jesus himself. Where there are two or three gathered in my Name there I am among them. Let us renew the spirit of common Prayer in our families and Jesus will take the place he belongs to. Then our families will become the means by which God will use to accomplish the work of salvation.


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