God did not conquer the whole world with angels! But already in the Book of Genesis (Gn 1, 28-29) we learn that he entrusts the entire work of creation to man. Today’s first reading and the Psalm remind us of this, even at this time of pandemic in the world: „What is man that you remember him, and the son of man that you take him in? You made him only a little less than the angels, you crowned him with glory and honor, and you have put all things under his feet.“ God has given us everything to manage – He is the Owner of the gifts we have received or are yet to receive – „ man what you have that you would not have received.“ (1 Cor 4,7)Beloved, let’s stop today and think about how I manage the property entrusted to me – I am not wasting it. Do I respect him? … But let’s not stop at managing material possessions and goods – yes, that is also necessary, except that none of us will take with us into eternity anything that he has naked in this world. Everyone comes before God once, and nothing big, nothing special will be required of us – maybe to show „the palms of our hands. “ The message does not mean only ” wisdom“ command but works for the common good for me and others. In practical life, it’s about the willingness to rub one’s hands for another, admit calluses on one’s palms, and give one’s hand to a good work… so that not only the tongue works, but also the hands, not to mention the heart, which in my hands can I can give … My dears, what will my palms be like…? Beautiful without calluses – but empty …, or sore, torn off – but full …?
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