St. Blaise Mk 16,15-20
Feast day: 3 February
* 2. 2nd half of the 3rd cent. 2.2 Feb. 2nd century. Se baste, today Sivas, Turkey
† c. 316 (?)
Attributes: crossed candles, book, pig’s head
Patron saint of otorhinolaryngologists (ear, nose and throat doctors), wind instrument musicians, wool merchants, tailors, shoemakers, hatters, weavers, tanners, bakers, millers, masons, plasterers, stonemasons, soap makers, wax makers, night watchmen; pets; for good confession; for sore throats, coughs, laryngitis, diphtheria, bladder diseases, flatulence, bleeding, ulcers, colic, toothache, plague
The life of St. Blaise was described very late after his death. It is written more as a legend, so the facts are unguaranteed. According to it, Blaise was not only a bishop in Se baste, Armenia (now Sivas, Turkey), but also a physician. The co-rulers of Emperor Constantine, who gave freedom to Christians, did not respect it and persecuted Christians further. Because of this, even Bishop Blaise took refuge in a rock cave. Legend has it that when the hunters arranged a hunt, the animals fled in one direction, namely to the cave of Bishop Blaise, who lived there as a hermit, his only company being the animals. The hunters thus discovered him and denounced him. The governor gave orders to bring him to trial. Deputy Agricola urged him to sacrifice to the idols. When he failed to do so, the judge had him tied to a pole and flogged. He was then taken to prison and sentenced to death in 316.
An unconfirmed story tells that a widow, weeping, brought to Blaise her child, who was left with a fish bone sticking out of his throat and begged him for help. Blaise prayed fervently, blessed the child, and the boy was healed. After his death, miracles of healing also took place. A tradition developed that on the feast of St. Blaise (February 3), the blessing of St. Blaise is bestowed – the blessing of the throat. St. Blaise was among the fourteen helpers in need. He is highly venerated. In Rome alone there are five churches dedicated to him.
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