Whatever perfection we can imagine with human reason, we will find it with God without end or end.
That is why we say that God is the perfect being. He is from eternity, knows everything, omnipresent, omnipotent, infinitely wise, holy and just, reasonable and merciful, truthful and faithful. I explained these qualities of God one by one; the other time, I said that God is holy and just. Now, according to the order of the catechism, it follows that God is benevolent and merciful.
Angels best know the infinite holiness of the Lord God, therefore enchanted by the holiness of God unsteadily – forever sing like this: „Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts.“ The infinite goodness of the Lord God is best known to us humans; therefore, we hear most from the mouths of humans: „God good, oh my God kind, benevolent!“The holiness of God is unattainable, at the same time his benevolence cannot be exceeded. Let’s think!
During the time of Emperor Vespasian, it was once discussed by the Roman Council, which most decent title (men) belongs to God. One wanted God to be called a wise God; the other preferred to call him an almighty God. There was also one who recommended this name: „Rich God.“ When they could no longer decide, the wisest counselor stood up and said: „I, for my part, do not recommend any of these names. Because if God is the God of wealth, he ignores the poor. If he is a God of wisdom, he would not be a protector of the unconscious. If he is a God of omnipotence, he would only like influential people, but he would forget low-class people. That’s why I so think that God best owns this name: „Good God.“ Everyone liked this wise speech, so they brought out the law that from now on, the name of God would be this: „Beneficent God.“
That was a pagan who spoke like that. I, as a Christian and an ordained priest, would not know how to give God a more beautiful name than this pagan said: „ Beneficent God.“ But also the apostle of Jesus, St. John, could say the most about God: „God is love.“
I could express this kind of goodness of God in a few words like this: „God only wants us well and only does us good because he loves us immensely. As the sun has the role to shine and warm, the nature of God brings with it to love and do good. Not as many hearts in Heaven and Earth can love as God.
There is no father; no mother is as sufficient to love as the heavenly Father loves us, his unworthy children. St. Scripture mentions Jacob’s love for his son Joseph as an example. The brothers sold Joseph. Joseph became a great lord in a foreign land, he took his father James to him. When old Jakub could see his son Jozef again after many years, he could not speak a word of joy; he fell around his neck and just cried and wept. – Scripture St. an example mentions King David’s love for his son Absalom. When they brought him the rumor about the death of his son, King David just cried with grief and repeated in unison: „If I had died in your place, Absolón“ (2Sam 19,1). That’s how one earthly father loves, from that we can understand a little the love of the heavenly Father. Would a kinder heart be found in the world above the father’s heart? It would be seen that the love of the mother’s heart is perhaps even warmer! The mother watches over the cradle of her baby. She loves him when she cries and laughs with him when her child rejoices; she is also looking for her baby’s grave; she travels to his little cross, and the dust of the lovely flower from her breast is also watered with tears.
This is motherly love. What do you think? The good God who created the heart of the mother, who grafted the love for the children into the parent’s heart, how much this kind God can love us, his creatures. We learn this from himself when the God of the prophet Isaiah asks: „Will a woman forget her infant and have no mercy on the fruit of her womb? Even if she fails, I won’t forget you!“ (Iz 49,15)
A sure Christian youth, after many accidents, came to Egypt among the pagan people. He settled there. He settled there so much that he fell in love with the daughter of the local pagan priest and asked her for a wife. The pagan priest, according to the custom there, asked the statue of the idol in which the devil dwelt whether he should give his daughter as a wife to this Christian. „Don’t give, – answered the devil, – until he denies his faith.“ And the unfortunate man denied his faith. Then the pagan priest asked the devil for the second time: can he give him his daughter as his wife? „Don’t give it to him even now, the idol replied – because he left his God, but God hasn’t left him yet.“ God’s immense benevolence so penetrated this young man’s heart that he embarked on a loud lamentation, mourned for his sin calling to heaven, and spent his whole life in sincere repentance for the denial of his faith.
So it is: an ungrateful sinner can leave and deny God, but God will not leave anyone.
O God, my benevolent God, thinking of Your abounding deep divine love, I fall on my knees, I fold my hands to prayer, and with St., I call David: „What is the man that you remember him, and the son of man that you take him in? You created him only a little smaller than the angels, you crowned him with glory and honor and appointed him ruler over the works of your hands“ (Ž 8.5–7). My benevolent God, you watch over us at night; you accompany us during the day. Three hundred and sixty-five times a year you dawn on us, you take care of the flower of our life with a careful hand, you protect it from the cold draft of death, so that it does not wither before time. You give us strength and health. To the earth, our blessing, you grant success to our works. You serve us the bread that we feed on, you send us a spring to quench our thirst, you give us a garment to clothe our bodies.
And what should I say about the glorious mental gifts of God? It gives us victories in temptations and patience in tribulations. He created our soul in his image and parable, received us into the bosom of his saving Church, and showered us with his graces. He made us happy when we cried. He hears the wailing of widows, the lamentation of orphans, the burning of the unfortunate. God will not leave, he will not reject anyone, because if the benevolent Lord God hit you with some accident, he is powerful enough to send his comforter angel to you. Therefore, trust that you have heard that God is infinitely benevolent. That blessed hand that draws a rainbow in the sky of heaven after a storm, that blessed hand hovers over you, wants you well and turns your sorrow into joy, an accident into a blessing. Instead of grumbling, fold your hands, and the greater the pain in which your heart is gripped, the more fervent your prayer floats to the heavens: „Our Father, your will be done!“
First, you will count the stars in the sky, the grains of dust on the earth, and then the graces and blessings with which God has sprinkled us. Did he endlessly grant you no more than all the treasures of the world, even so much that he could not even grant you more himself? Or what more excellent thing should he have given you than his only begotten Son? Did he not deliver him to the terrible death of the cross for you?
Even now, his most holy Body is ready for food every day! „ And God’s love for us was manifested in the fact that God sent his only begotten Son into the world so that through him we might have life“ (1Jn 4,9), live forever in the glory of heaven, where there will be no more pain or sorrow, but only joy and cheerfulness, endless and incomprehensible bliss.
What would we thank forever, even then we would not thank God enough for his multiple blessings.
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