God’s model of life.

 Imagine such a world. Everyone joyfully develops their skills and talents and strives to be better and better.

Everyone has a profound meaning in life, which fills him, to which he is faithful and devoted, and from which he draws a sense of his greatness and the importance and meaning of his life. All people live in a deep friendship with each other; they share each other with what they have, and thus their joy and happiness increase even more. Science, technology, civilization are advancing thanks to selfless cooperation.

Everyone strives to do their best. They all experience the pleasant excitement of creating something great and spectacular together: no crime, no wars, no misery. Everything is excellent, great, fantastic.
Even catastrophes, diseases, pain, and suffering, carry the seal of joy because people help and cooperate, and thus our greatness and perfection grow. And it all heals and strengthens us. Let’s ask ourselves, why don’t we live like that then? Before answering this question, I will ask another question.

What do God and the dog have in common, and how does man differ from them. Both are perfect, in the sense that they are precisely what they should be, and they lack nothing. We know about God’s perfection; I will not talk about it now. The same is true for dogs and animals. The dog does not need to go to school, learn. He does not want to be someone else, such as a human being. He has no inferiority complex; he is a dog, nor is he depressed. He is happy with himself. Man, as the only one in the whole universe, is imperfect and unfinished in himself. We are the only ones not satisfied with what we are. We are the only ones who feel the lack, the emptiness, and the desire to escape this. We can somehow suppress this desire in ourselves by fleeing to entertainment, to alcohol, to drugs. As soon as someone gives us hope to fill this emptiness, we are ready to do anything. Man is not a noble savage; he is a noble savage. He is irrational, poor, weak, unable to assess anything relating (to) his interests objectively, and that is all there is to it. And that is precisely the problem. It is imperfect, the unfulfilledness of man. That is the reason why man cannot live as he should.

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