Posted on 27. November 2019 by predicatioIntroduction Some time ago the joke was circulation,that there were five passengers aboard of the plane, but only four parachutes. An engine failure message was heard a threatened to crash the aircraft. First came Ronaldo. I am the best footballer, the world of football has needs me. He took the first parachute and jumped and jumped.I’m Hillary Clinton’s wife to the former US President. Maybe I might be President of the USA, she took the parachute and jumped. The third came Georg Bush I’m President of America I have a lot of duty to the world. He takes a parachute and jumps. Old John Paul II speaks to a little boy. You know,I’m old it belongs, it is to sacrifice myself and give thee a favor. Boy says don’t wory holy dad, I have a parachute for both us. The president of the USA changed my backpack.
Everyone wants to save themselves in a difficult situation. Man escapes from a place of disaster in a fire, flood, earthquakes. But even in flight, one can be mistaken, take the backpack instead of parachute. People usually save themselves only when unhappiness comes. Jesus instructed his contemporaries citing the story of the Flood of the World. As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be upon the coming of the Son of Man. In the days before the flood people ate and drank men and women married….until the flood came and swept them all away.Matthew 24,38. Noah was building a ship on dry land. People didn’t understand why the ship he was building when the weather is sunny and there is no river or sea nearby. When the rain came and the water started to rise, they understood what Noah was doing. He saved himself before the disaster came. In the Gospel we read. Be on your guard ,then, because you do not know, what day your Lord will come. Matthew 24, 42.It does not mean fear and tears of what is going to happen. It is a person’s life attitude to his work and fulfillment of duties, and puts his life in the hands of God. Although it is mentioned in the Gospel. If the owner of a house knew the time when the thief would come you can be sure that he would stay awake and not let the thief break into his house. Matthew 24, 42, but that doesn’t mean God is a thief. The real thief is earthquake, accident, rail and air accident cancer, heart attack, bankruptcy, divorce. God is the father who likes and calls you. Save your life by putting it in my hands.Any Advent workout, or a person renounces something in terms of diet, drinking, bad habits, or reading of the Holy Scriptures. It will all be manifestation, God in this Advent period I put my life in your hand. I want to be closer to you again. This attitude means we are really vigilant. But really vigilant doesn’t mean we’re insured in the best insurance company. Watching means being ready for a meeting. Watching does not mean to expect it to be accurate. For the Lord whom we expect, who is coming, is still here.. Or else it is always coming for the one who is willing to receive it. This is the deep meaning of Advent. It reminds the believer on this, that Jesus stands in the middle of our lives of work and effort. Who did not learn to meet Christ, who was not merciful to him, for he always comes as a thirsty, notorious, misunderstood, for this the first encounter with Christ will be the last. The meaning of Advent is actuall to be a human, learned to meet in time and thus achieved a lasting encounter with Christ in eternity. Advent is a call to vigilance. No sleep, open your eyes. The one who comes is alreeady coming to you.