The stage in which a person rejects God and commits sin.
The Cromagnon man, as the literature calls him, was named after the locality where he was discovered, and he was a man in the true sense of the word. Homo sapiens lived throughout Europe and, understandably, elsewhere. He lived at the end of the Wurmian Ice Age about 15,000 years ago. He formed numerous ancestral communities. Furthermore, he was nourished by large animals such as the woolly rhinoceros, the giant deer Megaceros, the mammoth, the bear, and the bison. Catching such animals requires good hunting organization. The primary hunting weapon was the spear, the effectiveness of which was multiplied by the thrower.
Meat supplies from slaughtered animals lasted for a long time. A more significant from this period processed almost everything. Fat, skin, bones, horns, teeth, antlers, hooves, tendons. He even found a part for artistic activities. A sense of beauty and a sense of faith were developed in man. A belief that he was not alone. A belief that he is not alone, that there is a great Spirit that will bring successful hunting and success in life. Sin did not exist; man did not think of evil. He did not know it. Human sacrifice did not exist. He had no fear of nature. The man performed religious acts out of gratitude. Some primitive tribes of Australia or South America confirm this. They do not live in animosity and do not know evil. Where civilization has not penetrated, they have not observed hostility from pride, avarice, envy, anger, etc. If I believe in the favor and guidance of the Great Spirit, I will not fear Him and need not woo Him. But I need to ask him, thank him. I only need to propitiate God when I feel and know that I have offended Him and done something wrong. So I feel guilty. Guilt is caused by sin. So I have to see the sin first. Exactly when the knowledge of evil and the commission of sin occurred in the human race is impossible. Rousseau once said. The first man who fenced his land and said. This is mine, and I found someone who believed he founded inequality and exploitation.
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