What does God think of us? … ↔ „A FOR WHOM do you think I am?“ (Mt 16,15) Jesus addresses these words to his disciples and in them to each of us. He wants to know the image we have created about him, our thoughts, and our feelings because they will be necessary for our lives. „ The Christian life does not lead us to identify with any idea, but with a person: Jesus Christ. So that faith illuminates our steps, except we will ask: who is Jesus Christ for me? Let us think: who am I for Jesus Christ? This is how we discover the gifts the Lord has given us that are directly related to our mission.
It is the same question that Saint Peter heard from the mouth of Christ. The apostles, who shared the Master’s mission, understood how much he counted on them. „Let people see from it,“ says St. Bernard, „how great is God’s care for them; let them know what God thinks and feels about them. Please do not ask, you who are human, what you suffered, but what he suffered. From everything he has suffered for you, deduce how much he respects you so you will be shown his goodness. There is no risk of exaggeration when dreaming about what God feels and thinks about us. We will always be inadequate. The words of St. Paul will probably come to mind: „Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor entered the human heart“ (1 Cor 2, 9).
The visible basis of unity in the Church … ↔ PETER ALWAYS, he comes to the disciples’ aid. This time, he reveals the divinity of Jesus with such clarity that the Lord praises him after hearing it: „ Blessed are you, Simon, son of Jonah, for flesh and blood, did not reveal it to you, but my Father, which is in heaven“ (Mt 16, 17). We celebrate the feast of St. Peter’s Department; it may be a good time to thank God for caring for his Church and for establishing the visible foundation of its unity, the rock on which it is to stand: „And I say to you: You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it“ (Mt 16, 18).
„The Roman High Priest as Peter’s successor is a constant and visible principle and basis of the unity of bishops and the multitude of believers“. Jesus tells Peter who he is for God. And the moment he makes this statement, the Lord knows his apostle perfectly: he knows what he is like, how he reacts, how he thinks, how he loves him. He chose it even before the creation of the world. „ Where did it come from that these twelve men, uneducated, living by lakes, rivers and deserts, undertook a work of such grand proportions and stood up to the whole world? They, who have certainly never been to the city and never appeared in public?“, asks Saint John Chrysostom. „And all the more so when we realize that they were timid and fearful, as we know from the description of the evangelist, who did not want to hide their mistakes. The exact help of God that made Peter a rock continues to affect his successors and the whole Church.
Helping the Pope of Rome with prayer … ↔ ROMAN POPE counts on our prayers for his person and intentions. „ You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God“ (Mt 16, 6) were the words of Saint Peter on this day. Our faith rests on Jesus, who leads us to the Father. Remarkably, God has called us to participate with him in the mission of the Church. He counts on us; no one is useless.
In a letter to a cardinal, Saint Josemaría confessed his belief that his prayer could help the Pope and the Church: „Praying is the only thing I can do. My poor service to the Church is limited to this. And whenever I realize my limitations, I feel full of strength because I know and feel that God does everything“. „A mighty weapon“, the founder of Opus Dei also regularly used to help the Church, is the Holy Rosary. „For years on the street,“ said, „ I pray every day and continue to pray part of the rosary for the noble person and intentions of the Roman Pope. “
In addition to praying for his person and intentions, Saint Josemaría followed the teachings of the Roman Pope throughout his life and always looked for ways to show him his love. Likewise, all of us Christians try to be very close to Peter, even if sometimes we do not understand something, either in his words or deeds. And if the latter should happen – that we do not understand him in anything – we, the children of the Church, owe „religious consent of understanding and will“‚ to his teaching, and that is why we do not express ourselves negatively about him, as it can hurt the unity of Christ’s body.
We can turn to Mary, the mother of the Church, to protect the Pope, take care of him, and make him very happy: „Mary constantly builds the Church, unites it, keeps it cohesive. Hardly anyone can have true respect for the Virgin Mary if at the same time, he does not feel more firmly bound to the other members of this Mystical Body, more closely united with its visible head, the Pope. That’s why I like to repeat: omnes cum Petro ad Iesum per Mariam! – all with Peter to Jesus through Mary!“.