The inconvenient question, „Where is your brother?”Jesus puts to everyone. Sometimes a person gives evasive answers to it or knocks it off as something smelling of the „communist party“. However, if we do not respond in the spirit of the call from the 25th chapter of Matthew’s Gospel about acts of love for our neighbor, then „we will lead an obscure life not sticking to what Jesus taught us”. Then, „which lurks at our door (Compare. Gn 4.7) and waits for an opportunity to get in and destroy us. Am I my brother’s keeper? With this compromise answer, Cain tries to escape God’s uncomfortable question. This is how Cain tries to flee from God’s gaze. Jesus often asks such inconvenient questions: „ Do you love me?“ – asked Peter. „What are people saying about me? … And what do you say?“ – he asked the disciples.
Jesus’ uncomfortable questions do not allow for compromise.
An evasive answer cannot be given to the inconvenient question Jesus asks us. «„Where is your brother?“- „I don’t know.“ – „But your brother is hungry!“ – „Yes, but he is having lunch in the parish Charity; they will feed him there.“ And with such a compromise answer I save my skin. – „No, the other, the one who is sick…” – „He is safely in the hospital!“ – „But there is no place in the hospital! And does he have medication?“ – „Well, that’s his business; I can’t interfere with others in their lives… After all, he probably has relatives who will give him the medicine.“ And this is how I wash my hands. „Where’s your brother, the convict?“ – „Well, he’s paying for what he deserved. Let him serve what he did. We are tired of so many delinquents on the streets. Let him cry.“ – But perhaps you will never hear this answer, which is intended for you from the Lord’s mouth: „Where is your brother? Where is your brother who is used, who works black, nine months a year, and then after three months, he starts again for another year? And this is how he is without insurance, without vacation.“ – „ After all, today, there is no work, and a person takes what he can.“ Another compromise answer.»
Where is your brother in your heart?
The question the Lord asks us must be answered personally, and those he talks about in the Gospel must be seen behind it (. « Let’s bring here those whom the Lord names in Matthew chapter 25: the one who is sick, the thirsty one, the one who does not have clothes, the little brother who cannot go to school, the one who takes drugs, the one who is in prison… Where’s? Where is your brother in your heart? Is there a place for these people in our hearts? Or, no doubt, do we talk about these people and lighten our conscience with some alms?»
Let us answer the Lord with joy.
After sin, Adam tries to hide from another unpleasant question from God: „Adam, where are you?“ (Compare. Gn 3,9-10). However, it is not free to hide from reality. «Adam hid from shame, out of fear. May we feel this shame. Where’s your brother? Where are you? What kind of world do you live in that you don’t notice these things, these sufferings, these pains? Where’s your brother? … Where are you? Don’t hide from reality. Answer these two questions of the Lord openly, devotedly, and joyfully.»