God and man

To participate in Christ means to participate in all of Christ. Not in Christ it is possible to separate his humanity from his Deity. It is one whole Christ. To share Christ also means to share the human that has lived and still lives and still within itself contains as when he lived in Nazareth. It is Jesus’ humanity that is the gateway to his Deity for us. As if we were they could connect with the Deity of Jesus Christ who transcends each of ours comprehension? If we did not approach Him through Jesus’ humanity, through Jesus a man who lived with his mother and his father in simple the house of Nazareth, who worked in the workshop, who ate, who drank, who slept, who laughed and had a sense of humor who befriended ordinary people and lived a simple life… only through all this can we approach Christ. His humanity is the gateway to his Deity. Whenever we come to Christ, we also enter into this human life of his family and whenever Christ comes to us, he does not come in any Protestant way alone, alone, but he always comes with all his saints and his mother and his foster parent.
To approach Christ in the human being, so that we may share in it as well divine. Jesus became us so that we could become Him, but also Unity with Christ God begins with unity with man Jesus Christ, with his humanity – and through unity with man Jesus Christ we enter into Oneness with God Jesus Christ and thus Christ man, incarnate God, becomes a bridge over which we can enter the path that leads to
As God, you shine too strong for me, so you became a man to bear
looking at you and through your humanity could approach your deity.
Your deity blinds me. That is why I approach You through Your humanity, through Eucharist. Shards I Fellowship with Jesus means living in His household, and that means to dwell with his mother with angels and with all the saints is never like that only Jesus himself is always his whole body to which we belong and which belong to us.
Friendship with Jesus necessarily involves friendship with all.
Communion with Jesus includes communion with all, no one is
excluded, nothing is excluded, Jesus unites everything in it is Catholicism.
True resemblance to Christ can only be learned by adoring Christ,
looking to Christ. Christ transforms us with His presence and in a way
which cannot be described, nor can the resemblance to Christ be learned or described words, but only to be adopted by an act of adoration.
Who am I? Son of God. And what do I want? Nothing, because I already have everything, only with great joy and excitement I teach to live this new reality.
Jesus says this in exactly this order: to what extent you measure, to what extent it will be measured to you to what extent I am a friend of Christ, to such an extent Christ to my friends in my life. I determine the degree of God’s presence, God’s action in my life.
Don’t try to leave many things, instead be fully one new person. It is not a strenuous and painful abandonment of many things, but exciting becoming one new person.
It is always God and His people. Never God himself. Never a man himself. Always it is the Lord and His saints with Him. The Church is God’s people and the key to God. Apartment to the saints, to be a son of God is always possible only and only in the communion of saints, in Christ Body. Head and Body. Outwardly, in the world, represented by two hearts, Jesus as the Head and Mary as the representative of the Body.
Being a Christian means moving, becoming a friend of God and that
means answering three questions:
• who am I,
• where I belong,
• what am I doing.
Who I am, the Son of God, the Friend of Christ. Where I belong – to God ‘s homeland, to the kingdom of God, into the family of God to the Church. What I do – I fight evil and I save every single person in the world for the kingdom of God after the side of Christ and his other companions from this new family of mine.
Fasting means clearing your head of everything that is not God.
“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewal of the mind, that ye may know what is the will of God, which is good, kind, and perfect. ” (Rom 12: 2) “Let no man deceive you in any way: for he shall not come, until he come first he shall abandon, and there shall not be a man of iniquity, the son of perdition. “(2Sol 2: 3) Just be. Here, now.
There is a difference between doing well and loving. God’s world is love.
We do not win by arguments, but by being full of the Lord.
Lord Jesus, I look at you in the tabernacle and I see you and at the same time I am in You, You are the one in whom I exist and yet you entered this world to I could look at you, you became bread, so I could eat you, I became you are human so that I can learn to live with you, you are my God. It is special. I look at you and at the same time I am in You, you are in front of me and I am to You and You are my universe, without You I do not exist, my God.

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