Matter and Life MM3

 Matter, in all its manifestations, shows unity and harmony, which can be expressed by the concept of the whole. The whole is more than a summary of the section. The mass in its organization gets different quality. All organisms are aligned in their entirety with other events. The immense forces of a sieve build a material animal world. Molecules from atomic chaos in its atomic composition a particular order; from this order, life makes a higher, more complex order. When these crystals are grouped into macromolecules from the mass, a kind of higher form is formed, already living and in further development comes an even more perfect way of vegetative life than, for example, in the case of an element of the amoeba, which already develops essential functions of vegetative life. Another stage of the performance of the matter’s life capacity is a plant or animal cell, which, when merging with a section of another sex, creates a higher, more complex plant or animal organism in which rich psychic events, even if only vegetative and sensory, develop. Such a perfect animal or plant is already equipped to create germs again capable of development to the ideal being of the same species. There is unity between the matter of the body and the animal’s life principle so that the living organism forms a whole. Each species, each individual, lives its species or individual life. The dynamics of life occur under the constant tension of two poles: the tendency to live and the tendency to die. In the case of an animal, the vegetative or sensory soul comes from matter; namely, the possibility of the Creator inserted into the mass and carried out under certain conditions and no doubt, at least as far as the first occurrence of life is concerned, also thanks to God’s particular direct creative intervention. Life is examined, even with the use of a unique, direct intervention of God. The plant’s soul and the plant and the living body disappear decomposition or incapacity the body’s mass to matter the body. Because by its whole activity, it is also bound to matter by existence, by its entire activity, also reality – bound to count).

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