Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Imagine that a stranger addresses you on your way to Church: – Are you a believer? – And you answer: – Yes, I’m just going to Church. It is the feast of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary. – Then you say: – Great. I’m looking for a person like you. I’m looking for an answer to the question: – Why am I in the world? Can you tell me where the sky is? What is heaven? How to get to heaven? –
These are all things we know. Surely, you would give the person the most detailed and best answer possible.
However, we should rethink these questions, even though we can answer others. This is because more and more we can know these things, know them, and live according to them. More and happier to live your faith.

Today’s holiday is an excellent opportunity for that. And in particular, the words of the evangelist Luke: “As soon as Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the child in her womb trembled and the Holy Spirit filled Elizabeth” (Lk 1:41).

When the Virgin Mary learns from the Archangel Gabriel about the great grace given to her elder relative Elizabeth, she is hurrying. However, no one sends her to serve Elizabeth. Mary has always done the will of God. Through this behavior, too, he fulfills the will of God. We also see this in the events of the house of Zechariah. Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. Like Mary, Elizabeth, who is faithful in all God, becomes the instrument of God, who does her work through her.

You also came to Church today, although you could stay at home. Being here is our consent for God to speak through us and for us. Do you think it is not valid for God to talk to you and through you now? Do you know why this seems complicated to you? Because we do not understand the concept of faith well. Faith makes us black; it becomes pretty ordinary. Someone will say: I am a believer. Although today the Church shows us to attend the whole Holy Mass, he knows this and does not go to Holy Mass. He did not appreciate today’s mass and will say: I don’t even go for a beer today. Neither this nor other things can be compared to what the Church shows us today.

For us, faith must not be just lessons and definitions that we can say without difficulty. Faith is more than a collection of speeches. Some people have naive ideas about God. Even today, some point the finger at the sky, up that there is heaven. And what is heaven, fairy tales tell about it and fantasize about it? Although they want to get to heaven, they say it is tough, and many say it is only for the chosen ones.

The Church teaches that after the death of the Virgin Mary, the Lord Jesus took her soul with an intact body to heaven. The Church also teaches that the Lord Jesus wants us all in the kingdom of God. He also wants to reward us with his glorified body and soul in his kingdom. Our faith teaches us to connect often with Jesus, to come closer to Jesus, to come to Jesus, to unite with Jesus, to submit to Jesus, and to receive Jesus. The Virgin Mary did the same. In it, our faith has a pattern. Each of us should use our age, status, and status to fulfill God’s will with each of us.

The Lord Jesus once said explicitly, “My mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and carry it out” (Lk 8:21). The Lord Jesus gives us the example of the Virgin Mary. The Virgin Mary did not know more about her mission before or after the proclamation. However, she tried to obey the Law faithfully. He is our role model in this. We, too, are in the world to know God, love and fulfill what He has commanded us. Then we already experience the vestibule of heaven on earth. He who lives in connection with God, God is in his heart. Where there is God, there is also heaven. God is everywhere, and that is why it is our effort to know him as much as possible, love him, and live according to his word. He who lives with God is happy. If we have experienced a natural feeling of happiness at least once, have we not wanted to share this state all the time? However, we know that everything on the ground is in motion. Things and people are aging, dying, destroying, and disappearing. The material world is imperfect. Therefore, because there is no material world, it cannot be compared to any country, comfort, and joy on earth. Or there is a state of the soul where God rewards His faithful for the faithfulness they have shown him during life in the material world. And this is also the answer to the question: How to get to heaven? Do God’s will on earth!

God has a plan for each of us. In many ways, they are similar. We live simultaneously, in the circumstances, and yet we each have our way to reward. God gives everyone enough strength and grace. It depends on us how we use them. This man can be an example to us.

He is injured in an explosion as a newlywed. Both hands had to amputate him in the hospital and operated on both eyes. When the wounds healed, hands-free and without eyes, they sent him to the newlyweds. Let’s get into his situation. He thinks. What can I give to my wife? I’ll be wasted so she can get married again and be happy. I’ll shoot myself! But how if I don’t have my fingers? I’ll hang myself. But what if I can’t put a rope around my neck? I’m getting poisoned! But what if I can’t mix poison? I’m thrown under the train! But what if I don’t see the rails? Simply put, he didn’t know and couldn’t waste himself. this is his despair, observed by his wife. She herself suffers greatly from her husband’s condition. However, it is a reinforcement for him. He prays for himself and for him.
After one sermon on faith, he says to his wife: – Please leave me here alone. – In an empty church, he thinks and thinks. She came for him before lunch. In the afternoon, when he is home alone again, he begins to pray. He does not ask God for eyes, for hands, but he asks for faith. He wants to pray the rosary, but he has no fingers. So, he will help with his toes. His life is slowly changing … He meets Jesus, connects with Jesus, gets closer to Jesus and submits to Jesus. It acquires a new and qualitatively more valuable view of life. He no longer feels unhappy.
After a few years at one meeting, he addresses the bishop: – Father bishop, could I become a deacon? – The bishop tells him: – You have no hands; therefore you cannot give holy communion. You don’t have eyes, so you can’t read the Gospel. Yes, but you have a mouth. You can preach. And after studies he is ordained a deacon. He became a popular and sought-after preacher. A frequent theme of his disciplines is the power of faith needed in a person’s life. People see him, and he can’t see. People have hands, but he doesn’t have them. People realize that faith in a person’s life is more than gold. The value of faith goes far, outgrows the natural horizon. Faith goes back to eternity. Faith is the beginning of eternity. We know that the Virgin Mary was not nailed to the cross and did not have a spear pierced her side. However, we know that the Virgin Mary shows us the way of faith with her life. Faith is infinite. The fruit of faith is the reward that God has promised us, and we are convinced of the Virgin Mary that God will richly reward everyone for the love we show him.

Surely, no one will address us today; why am I in a world where heaven is, what heaven is and how to get there. We are convinced that it is right for us to return to and remember the familiar things of faith. This is also the moment when the Holy Spirit fills and strengthens us again with His gifts. 

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