Eternal life

To honestly fill earthly life.
How do we live our daily lives? We think only of earthly pleasures, or even for eternity? Today’s gospel encourages us to make similar questions. He points to the arrival of The Lord Jesus at the end of time. Evangelist Marek portrays him how very sudden and unexpected. “So shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed” (Lk 17:30)?
At the same time, it teaches us how to live so that the coming of the Lord will not surprise us. People are different. One part is too afraid of the end of the world and thinks that it will happen every moment. Others do not think of the end of the world, nor your lot at the moment of death. At the same time, they live as if they were on earth forever.
It doesn’t matter to us when that happens. We must be prepared for meeting the Lord always. It makes no sense to worry too much about when the second one will be, Christ’s coming to earth at the end of time. After all, it can be much earlier for us. The most important thing of every single person is his departure from the world and preparing to meet the Lord. Whether it will be at the end of time or not is secondary. The Lord Jesus, therefore, exhorts us: “Whoever will seek to save his life, he will lose it, and he who loses it will receive it” (Lk 17:33).
This statement is addressed primarily to those who cling too much to earthly life and on worldly goods. He accepts a happy life. On the contrary, he wants our true happiness to lie in something completely different, only in early fun. We should only look for earthly good, as they are helpful for heaven. The martyrs of all times understood this truth very well, and earthly life has always been a means to eternal life for them.
If they should keep it only when it would be an obstacle, they will gladly take it gave it up. Thus, they lost earthly life and therefore gained a new, eternal one of life. Martyrdom is not required of us. But we have to live the way we are ready, even if life had to be laid for Christ. Everyday life lets us fill with the love of neighbor and sacrifice. Then it will serve to achieve salvation on the day when the Lord Jesus comes and knocks on our hearts. Let the following story encourage us to fulfil our lives truly. Jose María Escrivá writes: “My well-known doctor of law and doctor of philosophy was preparing for an audition forth position of head of the department at the University of Madrid. He had two great and brilliant ones behind him completed university studies. I got a message from him that he was sick and that he wanted to see me. I came to the boarding house where he lived. “Father, I’m dying,” he greeted me. I loved him encouraged. You wanted to make a general confession. He died that night. Along with certain architects and doctors who also lived in the guest house, we prepared it in a coffin. At looking at the young body that was rapidly decaying, we all agreed on the fact that both of his university studies are nothing compared to the final career he has just achieved as a good Christian.” 
Brothers and sisters, we see that earthly good alone is not enough. Need to focus your whole life on heaven, and then everything will serve our last and the ultimate goal, which is or. So let’s try to live with our feet on the ground, well let us be with the heart of Jesus in heaven.

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