Mary is full of gratitude to God.

Surely you know the words, “From the fullness of the heart the mouth speaks” (Mt 12:34). After all, we had often witnessed the truth of another statement: “If you were silent, I thought that you were a philosopher, but when you spoke, I saw that you were a fool.” Another proverb says this: “You know a bird by the lips and a man by the words.” We know the truth of these words from everyone’s privacy and the society we live in. And we are convinced of their truthfulness in the Gospel as well.

Elizabeth is filled with the Holy Spirit when she visits Mary, who rushes to greet and help her. Mary glorifies God and, filled with the Holy Spirit, calls out a wonderful hymn, which we call M a g n if i cat. Mary’s words of the Magnificat sound like an echo and reverberation of deep contemplation. He does not ask for anything; he just thanks and praises God’s mercy, power, justice, generosity, faithfulness. It is the first magnificent and most magnificent chord of the praise of God that gushes from the depths of her excited heart, which is overflowing with gratitude and love. Penetrated by the prophetic spirit, it penetrates even into the gloom of future ages; he predicts that what has happened in the Nazarene room will be placed in the centre of world interest. She will be the subject of attention and respect until the end of the world. “Mary stayed with Elizabeth for about three months and then returned home” (Luke 1.56).

In her beautiful M a g n If I k a t e, Mary primarily thanks God and praises him for the great deeds he has caused in her life.

Even though none of us wants and cannot compare to the Virgin Mary, we can still learn from her and follow her even in thanksgiving to God because God also gives us many graces and blessings. We take many things for granted, which is why they have become clear to us. Not only can we not thank them, but when God takes them away from us for a while, we behave like little children: we grumble, grumble, show dissatisfaction with him. And doesn’t God deserve us to honour Him properly? Let’s look at our lives. Let’s start with our awakening. How often is it closer to us to stay in bed two minutes longer than to find time and thank you, albeit briefly, for a night spent, a rest, a new day? Ask for reinforcement for yourself and your loved ones. We know from personal experience that it is essential how we start a new day. Not with my left or right foot to get out of bed, but to realize: I am a child of God, and I have this day as a gift from God; I also use this day to glorify God and save my immortal soul. We forget that not everyone had a happy night, not everyone rested. How many people spent the night awake with the sick, on the road, at work? How many sick suffered! How many brothers and sisters did not live this morning and died! Isn’t it a new day for us believers to be able to control ourselves regularly and kneel for a brief conversation with God in prayer? Let’s not rely on us on the way… Such a meeting requires its place and time.

Let us not underestimate the morning prayer, which should be carried in a spirit of thanks and supplications. The day is full of duty, excitement, tension. If we can find a place and a time to insult God, a place to sin, to utter the name of God in vain, why can’t we find a place and time to meet God in a short fire prayer? Why don’t we find time to bless when we leave the house when we start work or time for a blessing of prayer when we go around the cemetery or the cross: Give them eternal rest, Lord, and let the eternal light shine on them. Crucified Christ, have mercy on us! Instead of anger, let us ask in words: God, come to my aid! Sir, hurry to help me! Surely there will be an opportunity to hear insulting God with inappropriate remarks and expressions. Let’s try to ask God for that insult, even like this: God, forgive him because he doesn’t know what he’s doing! God, be merciful to me, a sinner! And end the day again with an encounter with God. Best in common prayer. If that doesn’t work, then in person. Indeed, you have tried it, what an impact the ideas in which you sleep have on the quality of rest. For us believers, it is beautiful to end the day by questioning conscience and apologizing for our sins and neglect of good. Save your commitment, pay more attention to the shortcomings the next day, and eliminate them.

These are short minutes, and yet they greatly enrich our lives not only mentally but also physically. They are small meetings, but with great blessings and rich fruit.

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