Our example in faith is an open Bible for unbelievers.

There is much anger among us. Setting a bad example, soliciting sin, and failing to punish sin reflect poorly on those around us and robs us of grace.
The Gospel passage warns us of this: “Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them underfoot and turn against you and tear you to pieces” (Mt. 7:6).

Every believer must be aware that the gifts he has received from God – reason and free will – are meant to help him discern. We are all called to proclaim the Gospel. This means that we are responsible for it our surroundings. What is needed is not only words but, above all, examples. Our approach to fulfilling the obligations imposed on us by our faith is like an open book for unbelievers.

They, too, know the words: “Verba movent, exempla trahunt”! – “Words move, but examples attract”!

Therefore, let us remember what the Lord Jesus means by the simile of the pearls and the swine. It was known to the Jews that what was sacrificed in the temple did not belong elsewhere. For example, meat from sacrifices to dogs or swine was not allowed to be thrown. From this, we can deduce the following: Just as it was useless to give unclean pigs inedible pearls for food, there is no point in presenting the truth to people who are not ready for it or have no desire or willingness to accept it. He who proclaims the pure must not pollute it, allow it to be contaminated. For if the gospel preacher were to proclaim the teachings of the Lord Jesus exaggeratedly and thoughtlessly, he would do more harm than good.

Holy things are the truths of faith and all the means of grace the apostles received for the good of the faithful. Therefore, they are not to be bestowed unnecessarily on people who would only make a mockery of them or would somehow bring them into contempt. Perhaps this place also gave rise to the fact that the Church has from time immemorial hidden sacred things from the Gentiles.
What follows is the so-called Golden Rule of love of neighbor, which shows without long paragraphs what lies at the heart of the Christian attitude towards other people: whatever you want people to do to you, do also to them.

We talked about how just as we can forgive others, we should expect others to forgive us. That is the charge of biblical morality. True love for God is proven precisely by love for our neighbor.
The Gospel passage ends with the appeal that whoever follows Christ should not follow the way of the masses. The Lord Jesus explained this with the symbolic simile of the two gates. The wide gate through which the masses pass who reject the words and teachings of the Lord Jesus, or do not take his truths seriously, leads to damnation. From this group, the believer must break out, step out even though it is difficult when there are many enticements, such as stating that ro is what the majority does, that it is not so bad, and so on.
The Christian must pass through the other gate, the narrow one that leads to eternal life.

The Lord Jesus means to emphasize another of The lessons that He had previously expressed. Only by the narrow way can one pass into eternal life. The young man could not renounce his riches. The Pharisees of their pride. Herod and Herodias, each other. So, these did not go through the narrow gate. Through it, we see John the Baptist, the Virgin Mary, and Joseph going, doing the will of God, doing what God requires of them.

From the Gospel, it follows for us to be aware of our duty as Christians, disciples, and confessors, to proclaim our faith in its purity, to protect it from the accretions of that which has nothing to do with religion, that which devalues faith. At the same time, the text of the Gospel warns us that in life, it is difficult to proclaim the Gospel, that is, to go through the narrow gate. But we know from the teaching of the Lord Jesus that this too has meaning and significance.

The text leads us to reflect on ourselves. The questions are offered and await an answer: what path am I following? Is it comfortable and wide, or is it narrow? Yes, we realize that it is not what we like, what is more comfortable, that matters, but what is more beneficial to us. And because we want to praise God and see the meaning of our lives not only here on earth, we understand this gospel as a signpost, a pointer, or possible guidance or correction on our life’s journey, that we want to align our direction with what the Lord Jesus requires of a disciple of Christ.

Let us remove the offense from our ranks! A frequent and thorough examination of our conscience will always help us refine our relationship with Jesus and thus walk more fully and confidently into eternity.


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