Palm Sunday, Year A Mt 27,11-54
Reevaluate your responsibility to Jesus.
We all know that Holy Week begins today. We want to live the events that we will remember, as Christians should…? It can be assumed that we could live them only as a memory, aurally, as an annual tradition… And such an approach would be wrong, dishonest, and irresponsible on our part. One event can tell us something.
At the end of his life, the Permian emperor Chores called his advisers and asked them: “Do you think I was a good emperor?” Don’t be afraid to tell me the truth. As a reward, I will give each a jewel.” One by one, the counselors came before the emperor and flattered him with nice words. When it was the turn of the wise Elaim, he said: “Please, my lord, let me be silent, because the truth cannot be bought.” The emperor replied to these words: “Good. Then I won’t give you anything. Then you may tell me your opinion directly.” Elaim continued: “My lord, I think you are a man with weaknesses and faults like us. But your faults are much heavier, for the whole nation groans under the burden of taxes. You should lead fewer wars and you shouldn’t live so luxuriously at the expense of the nation.” The emperor thought. Then he gave each counselor the promised gem. However, he appointed Elaim as his chancellor. The next day the councilors came and said to the emperor: “Our Lord, order that the merchant who sold you the gems with which you gifted us be justly punished because he sold you fake gems.” “I know that,” answered the emperor. “They are as false as your words are.”
We know that God does not like our falsehood. On the contrary, God rightly demands from us our responsibility towards his souls. A memento for us is the inscription on the cross: “This is the king of the Jews” (Luke 23:38).
We long for heroes, we want to have role models and idols… It was like that even in the time of Jesus. However, we cannot look at Jesus as a hero. Jesus did not desire human glory, power, or titles. When people wanted to make Jesus king, after the multiplication of the loaves and fishes, Jesus retreated alone into silence. To Pilate’s question: “Are you the king of the Jews?” He answered: “You say so yourself” (Luke 22:3). A true and correct explanation is given by St. Paul in the letter to the Philippians: “Jesus Christ, although he has a divine nature, did not hold to his equality with God, but denied himself, took the nature of a servant, became like men, and according to external appearance was considered a man. He humbled himself, became obedient even to death, even to death on a cross” (Phil 2:6-8). Jesus faithfully fulfilled his mission.
The Gospel, which we also call the “passion”, is the culmination of the three-year mission of Jesus on earth. We are assured that everyone who will follow him will fulfill his words, and will share in the fact that Jesus has overcome the power of sin. Jesus underwent everything that today’s Gospel tells about so that every person who joins him would share with him in his kingdom. The evangelists, therefore, remind us of Jesus’ words: “I have longed to eat this Passover lamb with you before I suffer. For I say to you: I will not eat it again until it is fulfilled in the kingdom of God” (Luke 22:15-16). Jesus goes through all this so that everyone who joins him may share with him in his life. Jesus does not promise what He cannot give. However, Jesus requires everyone who wants to share with him in his kingdom to faithfully and responsibly fulfill everything he taught.
The events of Palm Sunday are not just memories, but a call to a radical following of Christ. Jesus, in connection with Judas, reminds us: “Woe to the man who betrays him” (Lk 22:22). The memento of betrayal is not lost even today. On the contrary. We are all aware of our responsibility for the salvation of our souls. We are obliged to live in the truth of Jesus’ words. A lie – a sin, cannot and must not be rewarded by participation in his kingdom. Even if we find ourselves in the situation of St. Peter, that we too deny Jesus, we are obliged to continue to act like him: “He went out and wept bitterly” (Lk 22,62) The pain of the soul over-committed sins belongs to Holy Week, that is, regret.. This week, we have to relive the greatest drama in history. We want to consciously and voluntarily be with the suffering and crucifixion and the resurrected Jesus. We feel our responsibility for the salvation of our soul, but also the souls of the brothers and sisters entrusted to us. This serious matter will not allow us to survive this week superficially, habitually, without personal participation. Being responsible for the salvation of souls is the most necessary thing to which we want to subordinate everything else.
The mother of her ten-year-old daughter, with whom they started having problems, is also aware of this. It was during the big week. The girl came to her mother saying she wanted to go to the movies with her friends. “All the girls go and I can’t? Why? Why can’t I?” Just then, mom was preparing a cake. The mother turned to her daughter with a request. “Where are the rotten eggs I found on the top shelf today?” “In the trash can. Why?” “Bring them to me, please.” “What do you want to do with them?” “I’ll put them in a cake.” “Rotten eggs? You’ll spoil a good cake!” “When I spoil a cake,” continued the mother in her dialogue with her daughter, “I can always throw it away. But if you don’t know how to deny yourself one movie in Holy Week, aren’t you doing even more damage to your soul?” The daughter understood her mother.
It is right that none of us wants to miss this week of gaining new graces and powers for our life. Our Christian honor includes something more than just surviving the week during which we remember the passion, death, and resurrection of Christ. We realize that we have a time of grace and salvation ahead of us. We want to help each other by example. We want to live our church and social life in such a way that we give the best testimony of our faith.
The fake diamonds did not appease the councilors. We are convinced that even a false approach to the events of this week cannot satisfy anyone. Vice versa. May the Truth, Jesus Christ, prevail in our lives. He invites us, not only today to the procession with the branches, to his table on Thursday – the Eucharist, Friday to the cross, and Saturday and Sunday to the empty tomb. Today’s “Hosanna”, after Good Friday’s “Crucify Him”, will sound much more joyful and convincing on Sunday morning with the singing of “Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah”. Let’s pray for each other’s strength until this week.
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