Let’s keep our spiritual eyes and ears open.

Holidays-One of the most beautiful student words is derived from the word empty. The day is emptied of school duties for two months.



Let's keep our spiritual eyes and ears openBy faith, one can see how God connected everything here, arranged and prepared it for us. Illustration image: www.istockphoto.comVacation time must not be left unfulfilled because boredom sets in, and as is known, boredom is the mother of all vices. Don Bosco said that most of the boys took his holidays. They plunged mischievously into life and never return to oratory.Hoewer holidays do not free you from other  responsibilities. Image, that  God would take  a vacation 


At first glance, the suggestion to “keep your eyes open” seems strange, but sometimes a person really “hears” but does not see. You are seeing and penetrating the essence. That’s the difference.

And having “spiritual sight” is not easily seen in people today. So allow a little examination of your spiritual sight: What do you see when you look at the hills? What do you see when you look at a person? What do you see when you get an orange? What do you see when you go to eat raspberries? What do you see when you find an oak tree?

In addition to physical reality, you should also see this: Behind the hills is strength, “artistic creativity,” and a feeling for the beauty of the Creator. The presence of the Lord Jesus in man. Behind the orange is the goodness of the one who gives it.

Behind the raspberries, as the Lord set it up here to refresh us. Behind the oak, what an inventor the heavenly Father is.

And that it is all here for us, because he loves us very much. Well then, what is your spiritual sight? Are you blind, or have “at least” fourteen spiritual diopters?


Of course, with the eyes. Material reality can be seen through them. You can look into things with your mind. The spirit can see “behind things” – what the thing “carries,” what is “stuck” on it, what atmosphere it brings…

But there are also other optical means. By faith, one can see how God connected everything here, arranged it, prepared it for us, and put it in context. By faith, one can s, see how this world is set up.

With hope, you will see that everything here has a meaning, that everything leads to joy and ends in eternal, continuous, maximum joy.

And finally, with love, you will see how much good there is in everything; you will trace God’s goodness and that he did it here for us out of love. Looking around you, you will find that he did not spare us at all…

So what do you “see”? Only colors, shapes, tastes, sounds, profit, how will this or that do you bodily good, bring pleasure? Do you only have a “flat” view of things and the world? Do you miss the 3D dimension? Do you need to see a spiritual eye doctor?


So what to do if one cannot see it all? He has to find the cause, the “beam” in the eye. Find out how he is internally set up, what glasses he wears – or what someone put on him, what he is focused on in life…

He has to find out if his body and the pleasures oozing from it do not reflect reality. Doesn’t his carnal lust destroy everything spiritual, i.e. complex vision?

But isn’t that a call to the desert of human hearts today? Even in the time of the Lord Jesus, they were like that, and the Lord told them: “He who has ears to hear, let him listen!” (Mk 4, 9).

We are on vacation, so let’s clean our eyes and ears. Let’s practice “seeing by faith” – that there is meaning here. In “seeing with hope,” let’s practice seeing beauty and joy in things and situations.

And let’s also practice “seeing with love” – ​​how much goodness is around us. Each exercise has certain phases. They would also be found in this spiritual exercise: discovering a secret, awakening wonder, and establishing admiration and thanksgiving that awakens love.

And for this, it is necessary to adjust your inner attitude to a fundamental attitude: to have silence, peace, relaxation, surrender, joy, and love in your heart. Will you try to welcome the sun?


Mystics advise us: “Look at life through God’s eyes.” What would it be about? About trying to see love and the Lord’s perfection all around. But also try to love with his heart…

God longs for the unification of hearts – ours and his, but he sees how many waste time, how they stop at trivial things, how they float in pleasantness and do not come to him.

If you put those little things behind you, you are getting closer to him… You feel more peace, relaxation, and joy until you rest with him, and you find good is an effortless, straightforward love and the best good you have ever met .

By questioning your conscience, you will discover how far you are from him and whether you are wasting time. Unfortunately, today many are stuck with “pecking” their mobile phones…


Life brings much out of God, but we often don’t see it. We cannot decipher his “holy flirtation,” his affectionate nudges.

We keep the mind too connected to matter; we have it on material rails. We need to relax our spirit and tune into God’s frequency. To “feel the Bridegroom” to be awakened in us, we must be capable of admiration, and w andren know this, which is why they are so happy. “Unless you turn and become like little children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven” (Mt 18:3).

Indeed. To experience something beautiful, you must “sensitize” to mystery, wonder, admiration, gratitude… Life wants to draw us to God through mystery, to draw us into another dimension.

We discover someone beautiful, wise, and good when we explore and behind it. We disband the Lord God, who is in our reality and adds a spiritual dimension to it.


Go on the offered experiment. Perhaps the following advice will also help you spend the holiday season beautifully:

1. Which significant events are significant to you during the holidays? (holiday, pilgrimage, staying home, voting grandma, combing…)

2. Write them down on your calendar in chronologies. I will give you an overview, and you will l not have confusion.

3. Schedule a regular holiday day, especially its spiritual life – prayeth morning, during the day, in the evening, Holy Mass, and rosary.

4. When planning the day, it is recommended to follow the proven criteria: first, do what is necessary, then do what is essential, and finally, what is fun.

5. Beware of bad friends. Some people want to make money from the misfortune of others – for example; they trade in death – drugs. Watch out for the challenge: Don’t worry, try it just once!

6. Even if it is not taught in school, many people learn, for example, foreign languages, play the guitar, cook, take photos, “edit” something…

7. If you’re planning a vacation, don’t forget to find out in advance when holy mass is on Sundays and public holidays. And it’s not enough to find out, but you also have to go for it. The prescribed holiday during the holidays is August 15 – Assumption of the Virgin Mary. Saturday evening mass is usually valid for Sunday.

8. A good book can encourage a person, bring him closer to God, inspire him, and fill him with and h beautiful thoughts. If you waved your hand, let the Holy Scriptures be your guide. You can carry it even in the mountains.

9. Don’t forget to rest actively. A few suitable tips can diversify your holiday “repertoire”: pilgrimages, spiritual exercises, music festivals, visits to castles, ridge hikes, sports tournaments, river rafting… There are many activities. “move the skeleton.”

10. It’s probably enough because before we know it, it’s September 1…


Sure, particulars are sitting on a hill and admiring the beauty of the mountains. “That’s a beauty,” he said. Then he got up and went to chase another beauty. Another tourist sat nearby; he sighed: “Oh, it’s beautiful,” but added, “thank you, heavenly Father, for creating this for us…”

And he remained in this gratitude for a long time. You can travel around the world, see beautiful things, and admire the perfection of nature, but if you do not see the goodness of God the Father behind it, your heart will be dissatisfied because it has not rested in him, in the Lord.

Seeing the Lord, thanking him for his beauty, feeling how he loves me, feeling like I’m in his house, that’s the meaning of our journey through this world. I wish you to come to that.

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