The importance and need of God’s mercy

Posted on 16. April 2020 by predication


Holy Father in Homily at the Sanctuary of Divine Mercy in Kraków

In 2002 he said: “How much the world today needs God’s mercy!

In all continents, the desire for God comes from the depths of the human heart mercy. Where there is hatred, where there is a desire for revenge, where there is war bringing the pain and death of the innocent, the grace and love that heals the human are needed

Mind and heart and bring peace.


In the Gospel, we heard Jesus come to the fearful disciples, and he said to them, “Peace be with you!” Then he showed them his wounds on his hands and his side. When the disciples saw Jesus in this way, their fear turned to joy (cf. Jn 20: 19-20). Jesus is dead. The apostles will be closed in the diner because in their hearts fear of the Jews. Suddenly, the risen Jesus reveals to them with his new life. And the traditional Jewish greeting “peace to you” gets in Jesus’ mouth a new meaning – Jesus brings peace to disciples as the most precious messianic gift. Jesus himself crucified and risen is the peace that dwells in the middle of their disciples. Jesus embraces the disciples with His gaze. He gives them His peace, and it fills them with joy, strengthens them in faith, gives them the Holy Spirit, and shows them give them their wounds – a sign of their crucifixion. From how Jesus got them, in particular, he explained that they would live through all his apostolic life: “God raised him from of the dead, what we have witnessed to me, “What we have seen with our own eyes, what we are

We witnessed and proclaimed to you.” Jesus’ words and His signs are not the past; even today, Jesus is telling us, “Peace to you!” He is our peace. “It is in the picture the risen Jesus, who comes to the evening to his disciples. Jesus, he longs to shed the flames of mercy on the souls. Let hurt mankind be guilty to the merciful heart of Jesus, and He will fill it with Peace mercy is nothing new in the history of salvation. In the appearance of God on Mount Sinai, Moses invites the Lord as one who is “merciful and kind, benevolent, very merciful and faithful” (Ex 34: 6). “In the Old Testament, God sent to His to the people of the prophets with warnings, today God reveals His complete humanity mercy. God does not want to punish hurt humanity, but He longs to heal it and to his merciful heart.” 84 The psalmist very often praises the Lord for his mercy; he relies on him, invites him …. In Psalm 136, he constantly reiterates that God’s mercy is eternal (cf. Ps 136). In the New Testament, God, who is “rich in mercy” (Ephes. 2: 4), is very prominent. Jesus Christ has brought salvation and salvation to all humanity, He preaches to the people: he sees me sees the Father.” He revealed the mercy of the Father when he was born as a child. He has participated in the woes of human life; he speaks of the merciful Father in the Parable about the prodigal son, showing God’s mercy and forgiveness on the cross. His wounds, especially wounds on the side, announce not only redemption but also acceptance into people

To the kingdom of God and eternal bliss.85 We, too, should manifest ourselves mercy by works of love to neighbors, as one of us calls for of the Beatitudes – “Blessed are the merciful, for they will attain mercy” (Mt 5: 7). For otherwise, St. James us in his letter points out that “a court without mercy awaits … one who has not proven mercy” (As 2,13a).

Jesus said to Sister Faustina also the following words: “Do not keep the proclamation By the mercy of God, you will relieve my heart, whose flames of mercy they flow to the sinner. Tell the priests that if they talk about mine, the impenetrable mercy and mercy I hold in my heart, even the greatest sinners will be humble. Priests who will be my mercy proclaim and glorify, give extraordinary power, bless their words, and move the hearts they speak to.” “I desire that the priests preach my great mercy towards sinners. Let no sinner be afraid to come near me. Today I send you to all humanity with my mercy. Call the whole world of my incomprehensible mercy.” We are to witness God’s mercy. A witness is a man who saw and knows. In this case, he is the person who has experienced the merciful love of God, and now they testify about it with their lives. And to prove of her life, that is, trust God and be gracious to others. Jesus’ heart is so filled with mercy that it bursts and wants spill on all souls that come to him. God’s mercy is the source of all graces. The water that flows from the spring flows through the river when it comes to the sea. When there are many obstacles and impurities in the river, the water becomes steep passes. Or when there is an abyss in the river, the water collects there and does not go any further. We, as future priests, are also such a river. We are to be at the source of God’s mercy;

God’s mercy and through us is to reach all the sinners who do this. They need mercy. It would not be good if we were all of God’s2002, he mercy was swallowed up, and nothing else would get to others. We should not make obstacles God’s mercy but strive to smoothly divine mercy, it flowed and flowed to those who needed it. Let’s try to be a clean river so that everyone who needs it can draw grace from the stream of mercy. May God’s mercy spread to His glory and be a celebration of him the mercy he gives us every day because, without him, we would be nothing failed. There is no other source of hope; all other sources dry up, fail. And they can disappoint us. Humanity will not find peace until it has turned with confidence in God’s mercy.

God, Father,

who revealed your love

in his Son Jesus Christ

and poured it upon us in the Holy Spirit, the Comforter.

Today we entrust you with the fates of the world and every human being.

Bow to us sinners,

cure our weakness,

conquer every evil,

let all the inhabitants of the earth

have experienced Your mercy,

that the Triune God,

they have always found a source of hope.

Eternal Father,

for the painful torture and resurrection of Your Son,

Have mercy with us and the world.


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