Let’s open ourselves for Jesus!

Parents are often amazed at their children. Children know every car, they know better to set up the radio and TV than adults. They often say to their mother: Mom, you have to do this. And the child really knows better. They learn faster than adults because their senses are sharp, clear, sensitive and open. That is why it is a cruel fate for a child when he is deaf or dumb. Today, there is a lot of business for such children to be able to sometimes it wasn’t like that. The deaf spoken of in the gospel was one of the poorest people. Therefore, the Lord has mercy on him. Jesus takes the sick aside from the crowd. He touches his fingers and tongue with his fingers. Not like a doctor touching a sick place to find out the cause of a disease, but Jesus is making a touch here that I don’t really examine anything about closed ears and dumb tongue are the cause of human misery. That’s why she says, “Effata,” which means, “Open up!” At that moment his ears were opened, and his tongue was loosed, and he spake correctly ”(Mark 34-35). And it became the norm a man who could already listen to others and know how to compare and have fun with others. Surely you were already somewhere where there was a big rumble, a rumble. When a helicopter flies low, we don’t hear the clock ticking. So if we don’t hear, it doesn’t have to be a hearing error right away. It may be something that deafens us. If we do not hear God, then we cannot discern his voice in conscience, let us consider why. Maybe the cause is the hustle and bustle in which we live. So just remove it. Every day, at least for a while. Is it true, that life does not allow any long meditations. But anyone can afford a moment of inner silence. It is already a question of will. But we’re used to the noise. We can no longer stand the silence and solitude. Even moments of relaxation can not be imagined other than with radio, television or picture magazines. We have to hear everything, see, and we fill in every moment of the day. Without it, we can no longer eat, wait for the bus, or go for a walk. Something or someone must always entertain us, distract us. Just so we don’t stay with ourselves, is annoying. These are usually remorse that we fear, that we flee from, that we despise. I hope you understand me well. I am neither against radio, nor against television or anything computer, magazine …
I just want to warn you, if you don’t stay silent for a day or a minute, you’ll never hear God’s voice. And yet you’re hearing, even the inner one, may be fine, so you don’t need any miracles courage and a little will. Don’t worry about it! God is not a punishing justice. God is above all merciful love. Believe me, it’s worth hearing his voice! However, the deaf is usually dumb as well. He can’t speak. Even the deaf and dumb from the gospel were probably brought by relatives, and they begged for him. We have a loved one who is deaf to every good word and is without is it not presumed that he himself would ask for healing? So let’s ask for him. Even today, Christ has the power to heal and is just as willing. So let’s ask him for the gift of hearing for all who lack. Parents, you will know how bad it is when your children are deaf to your admonition. And how many Christians are deaf! And am I a little one of them? Why? I listen and feel attentive as I approach him
conscience, this is the voice of God. The words of Scripture are the words of God. Enlightenment, inspiration, encouragement for the good, but also remorse for our loved ones, the sad look of our children, the tears of mothers, … in all this to us can we hear him?
And what about illness? You know, when we think about the amount of evil that is done by the tongue, I would almost say that sometimes it would be necessary to ask for silence as a gift. Just count it. How many seductions and quills, gossip! How many tears came out for swearing and insults! How many sleepless nights, black coffees and cigarettes! How much outrage came from ugly talk! And those useless and empty words, a reckless promise to the whole world – annoying the environment, provocative speech! This is all an abuse of the rare gift of speech. However, after the miracle, Mute began to speak correctly. And the right speech is good and kind. It is consolation, encouragement, salvation from despair, knowledge, happiness.
The Arabs have a wise saying, “When you speak, your words must be better than silence.” Bars, each of us, would stick to it! And he forbade them to tell anyone about it. But the more he forbade them to do so, the more they proclaimed it, and they were exceedingly amazed, saying, “He does everything well: he gives hearing to the deaf, and to speak to the dumb” (Mark 7:37). God still says something. To each in person. At home, at work, in passion, at entertainment …. He speaks to us intimately, friendly, strictly and fatherly, also fraternally and cordially. I believe that our ears will no longer be tuned only to other sounds, such as the clink of money earned, the plucking of glasses, the growl of luxury cars, poisonous speech, a charming man or woman. For these and other voice than his word. We got two ears. And certainly not that the word of God should go out one day and the other out, but that if one ear does not catch it, the other will serve as security. But what if we don’t listen to anyone like this woman from the upcoming story?

From childhood, she was raised religiously and was a believer. She lived her childhood cleanly. Her role model was the Virgin Mary. She brought her friends and girlfriends to God. Her marriage was blessed in the church. She was happy until the day when marital fidelity was betrayed in her life. If she had heard immediately and stood up on the remorse and voice of God, they could return with the brightness of the radiant days of her marriage. But she remained stubborn when she fell. At that moment, she became deaf to Christ. It was obvious from her speech. She said, “I can arrange my life as I want! No one will command me! I don’t need anyone to reprimand me, warn me. I can’t be religious about the joys of life!” She didn’t let her children go to Sunday Mass. She did not allow them to access the sacraments. And so the beautiful Catholic soul became an atheist, not because of ideological objections to religion, not because she found evidence against the existence of God, but purely because Christianity did not approve of her relationship with a foreign man. Therefore, she became deaf to Jesus. What about the fact that she still sees happiness in that deafness?

However, you can imagine how this happiness will dissipate in a few years, when even a stranger makes her feel better first. For now, I would like to allow you to see her face, the face of a brave husband and her unhappy children, to know how much pain deafness to Jesus can cause to the neighbor, who in this world is the cause of all chaos in human society and all disorder in the human soul.

And so, dear brothers and sisters, the Gospel sounds to us today: “Ephata,” which means “Open up!” (Mk 7.34). The word so important to our lives was marked by the evangelicals in Aramaic, which our Lord Jesus spoke when he lived on earth. May our ears be opened to Jesus at this word of Jesus!

We are praying:
Lord Jesus, open our ears so that we can listen to your word carefully.
Open our eyes to see your glory.
Open our mouths to glorify our Father who is in heaven.
Open our hands to give your gifts generously to your neighbors.
Open our hearts to love our heavenly Father through you, with you and in you forever.

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