How many names of apostles can I name? Why? What apostle am I?

Matthew notes, “The names of the Twelve are: the first Peter …” (Mt 10: 2). On his pastoral journey in France, Pope John Paul II met with young people at a sports stadium. He asked the young people, “Who is Christ for you?” ? ‘ There was a spontaneous response: “Christ, it is you!” A shocking answer, but not blasphemous. You represent Christ, you teach us about Christ, so we know Christ through you. And the same is true of you! You can be a father, a mother, a young man, a girl, to workers … The way of life testifies whether you are Christ or not A view of our lives Our own view of our behavior, attitudes, opinions … speaks of our Christianity.

A priest working in Egypt taught in a class where the children were Christians and Muslims. He says: “When I entered the classroom, I asked the little one to recite some part of the Qur’an. A boy with a certain amount of self-confidence and respect gave a long passage. When he finished, others reported to recite as well. Then I asked the little Christians to say something in the gospel. They sat quietly and were silent. They knew only our Father. “

Just a few sentences a day to say about Christ, and what’s more – just one Christian creed during the day, and what it will do to us and to those around us. It is not enough to have only theoretical knowledge. For example, we know who wrote The Life of Christ. For example: Ricciotti, Willam, Mauriac, Papini but also Renan. They wrote biographies to capture faithfully and show the world its divine-human profile, its moral beauty, incomparable height, strength and goodness. Renan wrote untruthfully because he wanted to make fun of him. We also write with each of our words, with each of our deeds. We write and people read. Our biographies of Christ are still unfinished, but they are already reading from our lives. We write from baptism. Let’s make sure we write faithfully. As Jesus says in the Gospel: Let us ask the Lord of the harvest to send workers, our spiritual leaders, to a harvest that is really great, but there are few workers.

For example, there is no need to go far, let us turn our attention for a moment to our Czech brothers, those who have a thousand-and-a-fifty-year-old tradition of faith brought to them by Cyril and Methodius struggling with the problem of lack of vocations. When asked why this is so, many say: Faith is disappearing among the people, and simultaneously the ground is lost so that adepts for the priesthood – for service in the Lord’s harvest – can grow. And since there are no priests, the number of believers is gradually declining, because they are like a ship that has lost its helm in a storm, and only with great difficulty can it sail to the port of heaven.

The ways of God are unfathomable in our lives. Let us often ask God how to do God’s will. In the Father’s Prayer, we say, “Thy will be done …”. We pray for ourselves that we will always do the will of God.

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