The message for today- to resume dialogue with the Father

For two thousand years, the Church has been bringing the gospel to the world message of divine fatherhood. And just today we realize how the world is resisting accepting them. We are wonder? Jesus himself foretold this in his speech after The Last Supper: “Righteous Father, the world has not known you, but I have known you …” (John 17:25).
St. John, who speaks widely of this language, is called “theologian” in the Eastern tradition, that is, one who knows God (Theos) and his only-begotten Son (Logos). The word that the Father speaks from eternity. Jehovah on “theology” is thus deeper than that which could be imagined in purely rational terms, secular, which could also be defined as “the science of God”. Because the Christian concept of God is substantially different from the pagan deities and also from the God whom profess philosophers, it follows that the method of how
to know him, he must choose other paths. Therefore, for the great
spiritual master among the Church Fathers, Evagria from Pontus, theology is the “contemplation of the Holy Trinity”, the most perfect degree of prayer. Christian thinkers have always been aware of this.
Unfortunately, at the end of the Middle Ages we observed how gradually even in religion it begins to run into the new way of worldly thinking. The so-called scholastic method in its decadent phase, simplified and therefore impoverished, proceeded as follows.
Let’s first try to realize what he can know about God mere human intellect. These concepts form “natural theology,” theodiceu. Everyone sincerely admits that these concepts are very imperfect.

God remains a mystery, so he is expected to be alone it will reveal and perfect our limited knowledge. The weakness of our notions of the divine world is proved as follows – our intellect is limited, while God is unlimited; we can do about it catch something only to a limited extent. Christian God is a mystery in a much deeper sense because he is the Father, he is a free Person. Jehovah has decided they escape the motives of both physical and logical necessity. The history of salvation lies in the fact that is God gradually reveals his secrets. He does it gradually, but above all he does it personally, in confidence

The message for today conversations with the chosen ones. They cannot be “monologues” on one side or the other. It follows that Christian theology cannot be reduced to a systematic list of revealed ones truth In this way, what is we read in the Holy Scriptures and what tradition teaches. God’s word which is essentially a message, becomes abstract and a dead term if it is “objectified.” Already a saint
Gregory of Nazianz spoke with contempt for such “Theologians” – made theology “technology,” he says. He decided to leave them and “go to the school of the Galileans fishermen. “And it is this disciple, Evagrius of Pontus, set a rule against those rationalist thinkers: “Only then will you be a theologian if you pray!” The temptation to fall into the mistakes of these “technological theologians” is very relevant in our time dictionaries, verbal analyzes, archaeological a study of the Holy Scriptures and when one thinks it is possible to understand the meaning of a word without going through the same experience as the person who says the word. About one of such rationalists in the religious things were jokingly said, “When he dies and meets with God face to face, – she says to him, ‘Colleague!’ And God Instead of answering, he sends him to the angel who taught St.Augustine, how ridiculous those who want are pour a little shell over the whole sea. ”

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