The first people MM6

The first man was sins deprived of mental happiness. He lost his sanctifying grace by knowing evil, his reason blacked out, evil was inlaid, and animal instincts began to rebel. The first people made a living with a plant-based diet. When she was not enough to live, they took up hunting – they switched to a meaty diet. The search for the game has spread to people all over the world. But only hunting a man did not allow a man to develop a spirit, his brain could not, the skull with the frontal lobe fell back, but. It was only when a man from the lack of game had to return to the plant diet, the skull changed by developing the brain, less strain on the jaws, knowledge of the fire on the original formed shape, as inherited by Adam’s offspring. God could have created man’s body by acting from an existing animal cell as a foundation and revived it with an immortal soul. God is made up of reason and will. According to the eternal plan, he could have made the body, either immediately or by gradual dividing the cells, from an organic section. It is undeniable that God did not use the organism of the entire body of a monkey to create man by removing a sensitive soul and replacing it with a soul endowed with reason and will because it contradicts God’s wisdom that God once created disturbed or changed, but unify all three mental mightiness, unite and elevate them over other creations may. We know that the animal cell is the same essence as the earth’s clay, and that’s why we come from it.
The use of the biological basis of an existing animal cell and sperm explains the instinctive traits and properties that humans share with animals, which reside in genes and the biological construction of cells and are transferred from offspring to offspring.

The body’s body functions resemble animals and have a lot in common with them. The main difference between man and animal is that man can think and want freely. Man is a living creature that can achieve the highest moral perfection intelligence. However, the robustness of reason is in a potential state, and if a person does not try to raise it for awakening and mental growth, it does not develop sufficiently. Hence, the instinct, which is a common feature of all animals, prevails. The ill-behaved man instinct wholly pulls to the mass, to the crowd, where the lower spiritual functions stay over the common-sense functions, letting them lead the spirit of the stronger.

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