Why actually a desire for heaven?

The close gate is repentance, remorse, confession of one’s sin. The narrow path is love to God, which answers God’s love in Jesus Christ. This journey will lead us to the Kingdom, whose fruit is the love for the brothers we love, we truly love. From such a mutual of the love of the families of Heaven – because Heaven is the place where God’s Life lives and God’s Life is just this love. Where is this love, wherein this way “brothers live together in love” (Ps 133: 1), there already exists on earth, and Heaven is present — that is, the Church, God’s Family of believers. There, we are infallibly and irreversibly into it; there is a tight gate and a narrow path if we have really set out on it!

But why should we embark on such a journey at all? Why should we long for Heaven? Because we are dissatisfied. We are dissatisfied, what’s more! We are dissatisfied in the usual way how the surrounding people are constantly dissatisfied: I am dissatisfied with the weather, dissatisfied with the government, dissatisfied with pay, dissatisfied with employment, dissatisfied with the level of education and health care, dissatisfied with neighbors, and all these things.
Our dissatisfaction goes much deeper. It is deep dissatisfaction with the very essence of the world, the Universe, life, and in general, dissatisfaction with the fact that things are not as they should be. That what is normal is, in fact, it is abnormal, and what is abnormal has become normal. That the world is facing up feet, we see it now. Clear and distinct. Everything is upside down. Everything is wrong. Absolutely bad. Nothing does fit as it should. Others may not understand us; they point out that, look, it’s enough to change politicians, improve legislation, cut red tape, and poison a neighbor… well, a neighbor does not, just his annoying ok so good, not even… but the rest is possible, and everything will be better. But they don’t see what we do. They don’t feel what we do. I don’t understand. They do not understand that things are spoiled in much greater depth and that if we do not find someone who can repair, heal, and rebuild the Universe itself from the ground up, no boss, politician, or legislation will do anything about it! It’s like you want burned to improve the cake by sugaring it or placing it on a decorative plate and claiming that everything is corrected…

Try to imagine a normal world for a moment: Great bunch. You don’t have to hide anything from anyone. Understanding. Support. One for all. All for one. Cooperation on everything. Compliment everyone to everyone. No lawyers are needed. No security guards. The word “privacy” basically loses its meaning. Science and technology and civilization advance by leaps and bounds because no one does not hide, nobody envies anyone, nobody competes with anyone, everyone helps everyone. Thanks, nothing is done unnecessarily twice or threefold… No poverty. Everyone with everyone is divided into big one’s joy. What is more normal, more logical, desirable, more welcome, and more natural than living like this and Act?
This is, by the way, the reason for the attractiveness of the communist utopia of the Marxists: it is logical, natural, normal, efficient, much more effective than capitalism, which is so far the best the world could invent. That is why so many people, even after all the horrors of Marxism and Communism, still do a fan of this idea. However, it will never happen… We try again and again. Elections. Revolutions. Wars. Reforms. Activists. Politicians. Terrorists. Everyone is striving to make the world normal. Do you understand? Quite usually normal! And the result? It’s abnormal! Still just as abnormal!

We are horrified to find that being abnormal in an abnormal world is perfectly normal – to the point that so far, no earthly force, no earthly power, has been able to do anything about it, for good or after the break. And with even greater horror, we find that what seems good, correct, natural, and normal to all of us is, in fact, so abnormal that it has never, ever happened to anyone or anything in this. The world has failed to do so. We get dizzy because we suddenly realize that we are completely and perfectly helpless – and we stumble on the edge of Hell, terrible in its normal abnormality and abnormal normalcy, and we are overwhelmed by the panicked fear of being trapped here forever, irreversibly and without hope of escape.

And suddenly, the voice here the voice of Jesus sounds: “Come to me! Do you hear? Hey, you there, can you hear me? Come to me! I will set you free! I’ll get you out of this! I know the way – I am the Way! “
Heavenly music for our ears and heavenly manna for our aching inside! That’s why we’re here. Jesus offers us an escape from this horror. He offers us a way out of this madhouse in which folly is considered normal and where fools smile at each other and pat on the shoulders, delighted that they are crazy like everyone else around… That’s why we became Christians, Catholics.

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