How do we realize the Spirit?

How he experiences grace? The Holy Spirit is invisible. So how can to know if someone is “spiritual” or not if he has Grace is not in her heart without her? It’s still a current question, and in IV., a century of our Christian history has become the subject of discussion. The so-called Messalians, originating in Syria, has taken a radical stance: if you have the Holy Spirit, you must feel it. If you don’t feel anything, you have no divine grace. Conversely, if you experience temptation, it dwells in sin in your heart if you are troubled by bad thoughts. From this position, they also drew dangerous consequences: the sacraments, such as baptism, do not change our feelings, and therefore we do not receive the Spirit through them of the saint.

This extreme attitude was condemned as delusional. Greek spiritual author Diadocos of Foticee writes against the Messalis: “Grace is secretly imposed in the depths of the heart from the moment of baptism; does not make you feel its presence. ” Later in the time of the Reformation, the Church reiterated that it was not the same “feeling justified” and “be justified” before God. Even great saints often went through periods of spiritual discomfort, and it seemed to them, as St. Theresa of Lisieux at the end of her life, that heaven is closed.

However, these states of “indifference” to the clergy of things must not be the normal state. They are these trials of faith, as such, are often reimbursed by God for the comforts that come. Diadocos, which we have just quoted, sets out a certain order, in which divine pedagogy normally develops: 1) at baptism we receive the Holy Spirit, but we are not aware of this; 2) when someone turns to the spiritual life, God encourages him by His grace, so finds satisfaction in religious life; 3) on the contrary, on the contrary, grace is hidden, experiences of consolation are experienced it’s testing time; 4) finally after the end of the period cleansing, God again gives comfort, joy, without baking for the fullness of the Holy Spirit. About this last one stage can be said to be a man who was injured in his feelings of sin, regained the spiritual health of the soul, peace of heart. We must not strive to achieve this comfort, but we must wait and receive faith when God gives her to us.

The sign of the Holy Spirit
Even though God is invisible, he is still known according to the sign. It is said that one pious Muslim accompanied an atheist scientist in the desert. Before he went to bed performed his prayers. The scientist ironically tells him: “Have you seen Allah? Did you hear him talk? So how do you know that does he exists? ” The next morning, when they left the tent, he says scientist: “There was a camel during the night.” Arab told him he said, “Have you seen a camel? Did you hear his voice? “European and said angrily, “Can’t you see a sign in the surrounding sand?” The Bedouin pointed to the rising sun: “Behold the footsteps, the sign of Allah!” If God appears in nature, He must be
a sign of it about the presence in the soul. They are different, and they are called “charisms.” St. Paul is often calculated and in the famous “anthem of love” in the first letter to the Corinthians (cf. 1 Cor 13, Inn.), mentioning those who amaze with their extraordinary character: glossolalia, or the gift of speaking languages, prophecy, healing of the sick, etc. But the conclusion is I know: “If I speak in tongues of man and angels, but have not to love, I am only a rumble of metal and a ringing bell. If I had the gift of prophecy, he understood all secrets and contained all knowledge, yes if I had such great faith that I would move mountains, but I have no love, I am nothing “(cf. 1 Cor 13: 1-2). Not everyone can have extraordinary gifts, but every one
the Christian is called to carry out perfect love. Ta, it is, therefore, the safest sign of presence.

The Holy Spirit in his heart.
The teaching of this point is clear throughout Christian tradition. And yet, some doubt remains. It seems that the question is only postponed: The Spirit appears in love, but what are the signs by which I know that someone is equipped with true love? “No one has greater love than the one for his own friends lay down their lives “(John 15:13); of these words, the passion of Christ was considered from the beginning to be an unmistakable sign of holiness. Many saints worshiped churches, thus begins with martyrs. The fact that they endured the torment of the “weakness of the flesh” and that they sacrificed their own life, is convincing evidence of the presence of the Spirit, which gives strength. Among them were young girls and very young boys!
It is not given to all to confirm their connection with God’s blood. Therefore, St. Irene (who died a martyr) notes that other believers may testify to love and the presence of the Holy Spirit in a simple way: “through faith and blameless life.” This corresponds to the thesis, widespread among theologians to this day: without grace, no one can keep God’s commandments. If anyone lives by faith and keeps the law of God, it testifies to the fact that God dwells in him. “Who he has my commandments and keeps them, he loves me ” (John 14:21). It is, therefore, the sign of a spiritual person pure faith and moral life, virtues, pure Christian life.

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