Let’s not be blind. Blindness is here and around.

We cannot be blind people who, with their unwisdom, will lead their wards into a lie, a mistake – into a pit. Let’s look at history, and how many misguided people lived in it, who were convinced of their private truth and at the same time lived in the darkness of lies. Just mention names like Napoleon, Hitler, St, alien, and many others.

Jesus tells the healed man: “Do not enter the village” (Mk 8:26).

Even nowadays, we have to be very attentive to many ideologies, we have to learn to distinguish the truth from the false truth, from private opinions, which, however, are presented to us so truthfully and believably as if they were the absolute truth. It is enough to look at the power of the media today, which also presents supposition, probability,y, and various unexamined currents of thought as a life path for every “normal” person, and if we do not follow this pattern, we are considered strange at best.

If today you are against abortion – you are unfashionable, if you are in favor of chastity before marriage – you are unfashionable, if you are in favor of the natural family – you are discriminatory, etc. We are truly surrounded by so many “offers” of different truths and teachings. / Here we can also mention and analyze what problems the Pope sees today, such as excessive subjectivism, practical materialism, religious indifference, consumerism, hedonism, and secularism./

In history and even today, among all the teachings, one thing stands out. This teaching gives answers to man’s various questions, this teaching makes a man free. This teaching would never allow any hatred. He does not want the fear of his followers, but their joy. He does not want to leave them in the darkness of ignorance, but to teach the Truth. It is Christianity. It is the teaching of the incarnate Word, the teaching of the Son of God himself, Jesus Christ, who came to this earth to reveal to us the truth about God and about ourselves, as Blessed John Paul II also says. in his first encyclical Redemptor hominis. The teachings of Jesus Christ were preserved for us by the apostles, and we still have them in the Holy Scriptures.

All of us who, in any way, have a responsibility to raise our children, but we also have a responsibility to ourselves so that we don’t fall into the pit. Do we know this source of knowledge, the source of Truth? Do we read the Holy Scriptures? Where else, if not right there, can we find answers to our questions and confront offers of different truths from the world? Here our eyes are untied so that we, as blind, do not lead others to blindness. We have heard how many evil lies have done in the world, the devil himself is the father of lies, and he is also the father of these mistakes and pains. However, we are children of light, we have a lamp that illuminates our paths.

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