Eucharist-the bread of life.
Jesus did not deny the need for bread. He multiplied the loaves twice and fed the hungry multitudes. But he didn’t stop there. He wanted people to understand the meaning of the Eucharist. What is the Eucharist? This is the actual body and blood of the Lord Jesus. Why it is essential to receive the Lord Jesus. Of course, the point here is to embrace the teachings of Jesus and try to follow Him. If we follow Jesus, we will also have the right attitude toward material values. It is undeniable that in today’s world, many people live in poverty, literally starving, while in other countries tons of food is being thrown away, and people are overeating. Selfishness, the desire for profit, is to blame. How many times has it happened that, to keep prices down, food has been destroyed instead? Only Christ is able to change a man. The desire for material things must not exceed its measure. It depends on what prevails in our life. Is it love, or is it selfishness? If egoism prevails, then we think only of ourselves and do not care about the fate of other people. In the former socialist countries, after the regime change and privatization, people got factories. But many of these factories went bankrupt. Why, because the new owners, squandered the property. Why? Because they had no peace in their material desires. And worse, hundreds of people lost their jobs and thus the opportunity to earn their bread. Therefore, if we want to eradicate world hunger, we must change people. But we cannot change ourselves. Only Christ can change us. The question is whether we want to change. There are huge differences between people. It is the result of human egoism. If people reject Christ, it will end in disaster because negative human qualities will begin to manifest themselves. History has shown us this many times, but people have yet to learn their lesson. Our desires for material things mustn’t become a drug for us—finally, here are two statements of the Lord Jesus. The camel will sooner go through the eye of a needle than the rich man will get to heaven. And do not lay up for yourselves treasures which moths and rust will devour, but treasures which will endure to eternal life. And I’ll add one more. What does it profit a man, if he gains the whole world but harms his own soul?
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