Christian Realism.
There are people who, in order not to see, prefer to squint their eyes. But of course that doesn’t change reality. On the contrary, they harm themselves. So it is with the existence of God. Whether God exists does not depend on us. God is not dependent on our knowledge to exist. Those who have studied philosophy know that there are people who do not regard the material world, perceptible to the senses, as an objective reality. According to them, the material world does not exist outside of us, independently of us, it is a product of thought, an idea. That is why we call this philosophical direction idealism. Any sober-minded person will recognize that this philosophical idealism contradicts our everyday experience. We reject this direction as objectively wrong, and misguided. To the other extreme fall those who maintain that there is only matter, matter. That is why they are called materialists. Materialists, while admitting that there is something higher than matter, maintain that everything spiritual has its roots in matter and does not exist without matter. Therefore, materialists do not admit the existence of any spiritual being. Thus they do not admit the existence of God. They regard God as a figment of human imagination, as something unrealistically mistaken. This is roughly the basic position of MATERIALISTS. According to the Christian worldview, there are spiritual realities independent of our knowledge True spiritual realities cannot be perceived directly by the senses We can only understand them by knowing them in varying degrees with our reason. We recognize both the material and the spiritual as real, therefore we call our worldview Christian realism. God is an objective reality for us. But we can neither see nor hear God; we cannot perceive Him. But our knowledge can be lifted to God using perceptible things. Even in the material world, some things can be known only by instruments or calculations. Thus most of the stars are invisible to the naked eye. To observe them, we need powerful telescopes. Bacteria, on the other hand, are so tiny that they can only be seen with a microscope. Even atoms are so unimaginably small that they cannot be seen even under a microscope. We know them only from their effects. So also God can be known, from His activity, and His observable works. The greatness of the universe and the beauty of nature speak of God. They speak of the fact that these things did not come into being of themselves, that man did not create them, for they were here long before man. In the laws of nature, we see rationality purposefulness, and planning and this cannot be the work of chance. And it cannot be the work of chance. Whoever says that is blind. Friend, if you are reading these lines you need to realize that God exists and start looking for Him. And do it right away.
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