We experience happy events in our lives. Balls and entertainment are held. In the middle of these days, we can notice that there are people around us who are not laughing, not rejoicing. Why? They are sick, the pain distorts their faces instead of smiling. Indeed, many cannot remember the last time they laughed. Today, the Church wants to remind us of something in the Gospel. Jesus loved all people. After all, his arrival on Earth is the biggest proof of that. Jesus did not preach sorrow. His teaching – the gospel means glad tidings. Although we have no record of Jesus laughing or joking, we cannot say that he did not know how to enjoy himself. He was happy when mothers brought their children to him. He rejoiced when he returned a living daughter to Jairus, the wife of Naim with an only son, Martha, and Mary, the brother of Lazarus. but he was happy, even though he was recovering, and this Gospel also says: “I want you to be clean!” (Mt 8:3).
In our surroundings, we must also notice the suffering and those who need our help. The sick man of this gospel was very courageous. He came to Jesus himself. He disregarded the prohibition under the Mosaic Law. He left aside what should have been waiting for him for violating this order, or the consequences. The desire to be healthy was stronger than everything else. In those days, such a person did not arouse the interest of others, he was condemned to a slow death. But he wanted to live! That is why he came to beg for life from the Giver of life, from Jesus Christ himself. He did not disappoint. Jesus fulfilled his wish.
When we look around us, we find that there are many suffering and those who require our help. They will not turn on us, they will not come to us like the sick from the gospel to Jesus. They won’t for many reasons. Some cannot come because their health no longer allows it, others will not come because they are ashamed. Indeed, we must realize that there are also those among us who, out of some tact, do not raise their hand for help. Many are full of hopelessness and melancholy, so they want to die forgotten. And we should focus on those. We have to help them, give them a helping hand. How beautiful it is when such a person feels that he is not needed. According to the Church, a sick person is necessary and with his suffering, he purifies the world. All sick people are a warning to us, they are a nuisance. Who will count the sufferings, the sacrifices, the prayers, which are weighted in gold in the plan of redemption of the world?
Suffering is not an insignificant thing. Look how many people and families came to their senses, and returned to God, when one of them had to carry the cross, illness, and suffering from life! It is beautiful when the sufferer hears words of comfort from our lips, that his suffering is an enrichment of our life. True, only one who has faith, i.e., a believer, can evaluate this, because he understands the value of sin and the value of repentance. Saint John of the Cross, the lover of the cross, says: – Brothers, our suffering here on earth cannot be compared to the suffering that awaits us after death for our sins. If we had to choose, let us choose to suffer here on earth and to rejoice with God as soon as possible after death. – Conscious and voluntary acceptance of suffering saves a person from further sins and helps him to voluntarily cleanse himself from sins already forgiven. Suffering properly understood raises the mind to higher values.
Let’s remember this and never make it feel, true, if it is not exaggerated, when our elderly and the elderly need our help, that it is a nuisance to us, that they are a burden on us. Let’s not talk insultingly about them. Let’s not wish them death! Only God can withdraw from this world. As long as a person is alive, he has the right to be given attention and love. Let’s not forget this, especially when it comes to those who gave us life, who made more sacrifices for us than ours, when we have to make more effort even for several months, when there is less sleep, free time, etc. Jesus himself is a role model, strength, and example. Jesus also teaches us that where modern medical science can no longer help, a good word, care for them, a visit, and the like can help, or at least alleviate pain and suffering. Sick of the gospel did not give up. And that is an example of the sick. He did everything in his power. He did not resign! And this is necessary for the sick and old to realize. Many are impatient when they don’t get everything they want right away. Such a person is then really a burden, a weight in the family.
Brothers and sisters, sick and old, in your prayers often remember those who take care of you, but do not forget yourself, so that you can bear your crosses patiently. Realize that this suffering of yours has meaning. Be an example of patience to your dearest. Don’t forget to thank them for the good they have done. You yourself know that today’s world is very busy, that even those who take care of you do not have it easy. They have other responsibilities besides you. Don’t say they don’t like you. I believe that this is a matter of honor for every Catholic Christian, how he can approach this problem. The sick and the healthy must realize that in such situations tensions and misunderstandings arise from small things, and therefore we must be able to rise above them, forget, forgive, and not immediately turn small things into anger, inconvenience, which are often forgotten and forgiven only after death. Why spoil what we worked hard to build before? Sickness and old age must not break a single Christian heart. We should not blaspheme, often ask: why me?! After all, I haven’t sinned in anything! Only one who has not understood the teachings of Jesus Christ speaks like this. It has certainly happened to you that you have visited such people and left them ashamed. Why? Many a suffering believing Christian knows how to encourage and please more than we who are healthy. Such a meeting is what we have to adopt and learn today. I know many positive and negative examples. It has certainly happened to you that you have visited such people and left them ashamed. Why? Many a suffering believing Christian knows how to encourage and please more than we who are healthy. Such a meeting is what we have to adopt and learn today. I know many positive and negative examples. It has certainly happened to you that you have visited such people and left them ashamed. Why? Many a suffering believing Christian knows how to encourage and please more than we who are healthy. Such a meeting is what we have to adopt and learn today. I know many positive and negative examples.
I like to go to one disease that doesn’t feel unnecessary. She is not demanding on domestics, she prefers to be kept in a room. He doesn’t mix with young people. What is her strength? Pray! She says that when she was young, she did not have much time for prayer. Now she takes this illness as a gift from God to survive it in prayer and to apologize for her sins. But he doesn’t forget the home team. She won’t tell them, only she and the Virgin Mary with Jesus know how many graces she has already begged for the family and others. And this is not unnecessary, although I know that many consider such old age a loss and would rather see their mother-in-law, mother, or father doing something, even if they are ruffling feathers. Mammon! No, such a person, who thinks like this, must be careful not to live to a sad old age or a tragic one. I believe that this reflection was not harmful. However, we should also be careful about souls. We should not give offense.