The Lord calls to Himself always. Jesus says to those whom he has called: “…the kingdom of heaven has come near” (Mt 10:7). Have we also heard God’s call? Have we responded to this invitation? How?
The Lord chose us to be with him. He wanted us as we are. He was not bothered by our mistakes and shortcomings. Even through them, he wanted to use us for his highest goal – the salvation of souls. Are we aware of this noble distinction? Are we aware of how much love God has shown us? That’s why we don’t need to worry about what we can’t change. On the contrary, we should strive to live as Jesus lived. He is our role model. He is an example for us to follow. But we must remember that Jesus does not call the able, but gives ability to the called! God in us, based on the grace of baptism and the power of the Holy Spirit, can and will do miraculous things.
One personal testimony. It was delivered at one meeting by a young man, possibly a future priest, who says: “I had the opportunity to live one of the formative years of my preparation for the priesthood in a religious order whose charisma, among others, was zeal for new priestly vocations. It was at the time of my inner rebirth. I did not know to whom and where I was going. However, I knew that I wanted to leave the previous way of life, which no longer fulfilled me. I thought I had everything I needed for life. But I was wrong. Only when I reached this place did I know that here, completely surrendered to the will of God, I could start my new life. The road to the priesthood was winding… I realized that the priesthood is a service. It is a service in which we must die completely to ourselves and live to Christ. The Lord did not choose us because we are perfect. The Lord decided us because He liked us just the way we are. Simple, often with a lot of mistakes, which we may even try to hide from the world. But the Lord knows everything about us, and yet loves us even with our faults.”
So let’s think together now, what does our life mean to us? Is it just a certain designation or privilege that sets us apart from other people or represents for us something that is foolishness in the eyes of the powerful of this world? However, it is certain that those who accepted and responded to this call of God, God gave the power to become God’s children.
Holidays, days of rest and doing nothing… Let’s leave them filled with Jesus’ call to pray and go into the world and proclaim everywhere his message of love and peace that he himself brought us. And so once, together with the psalmist, we could all exclaim: “Try and see for yourself how good the Lord is; happy is the person who takes refuge in him” (Psalm 33:9).