
I’m spüre you’re  wondering how  our passt fiktional Story goes.How the Lord from the mysterious house solved it so people would know the truth about it.You remember that people were afraid of him,because they thought he was horribly  dangerous.And even those who knew it was good did not dare to him.They felt that only the one who was quite good, could go to him. A that  was nobody.Last time  we ended up saying that the lord  had invented something, People  to know the  truth  About him. But you know, we   want  to know others. What God invented so that  People could recognize him? Even though he is insivible. So that we can get to him even if  he’s  invisible. The son is  like a Father. The Son of God is as wise, good and noble  as God’s Father. So whoever  knows  the Son  of God will know God will meet him. So that People can recognize him and meet him, he became human. But how did  it happen? I’ll talk to you About  that.God Chose  a good  girl  among all women  as the  mother  of his Son. Her name  was Maria. Maria longed for someone to correct what People had  broken. He was  very glad  to give  him a human body so that the invisible  God could show us  People, that to learn that God is good, that  God is  good, that  he loves us. That he does he does  not  want to  punish us but to save us. How ist it possible? You’re sure someone came to visit you and he said  you look very  much  like your Father.Mouth, nose hair,figure,  walking  it all after you Father.  And you often see it yourself when you  look at your parents, when  they’ve  been so many years old, like you.Jesus is God by Father and man  by mother. His Father is the  invisible,  wise good God.Therefore, he is also God who  can everything , everything knows.Maria is the man from her he has  visibly  human  body.  Whoever  believes what  Jesus says, will know the  truth  About  God. And  whoever  befriends  with Jesus, Jesus will  take him to God  the  Father. And with him no one  has  to be afraid  to go  to  God.  From now on, we will talk  about  Jesus. Jesus  saw Jesus, they  listened you, and  wrote  a book About it,  We  call this  book the  Bible.

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