Hypocrisy of the Pharisees and Scribes.
Under the impression of their position, some Scribes, and Pharisees lost sight of the real burdens that ordinary people faced. Despite good intentions, the temptation of status proved too firm, and they forgot to be there for others.
Unlike these religious elites, Jesus devoted himself to freeing his people from everything that burdened them. He freed the woman from shame for her past sins with words of forgiveness. While others grumbled against Zacchaeus’ taxes and extortion, Jesus offered him salvation and visited him at home. On the road to Emmaus, he comforted two dejected disciples and lifted their hearts with words from the Scriptures and his presence.
Do you have a burden that is difficult to bear? The feeling of guilt? Pain from a hurt relationship? Helplessness in the face of temptation? Do not think that God is too far away to help you. He became human like us. He shared in all the joys and pains that we experience. He carried the cross so that we could gain heaven. It can certainly help you even now!
As one of Jesus’ followers, you are called to accept him as your Lord. What a relief to know that our Lord is kind and forgiving, that He did not come to be served but to serve! Therefore, declaring Jesus your Lord means inviting him to care for you. The image of Jesus washing your feet may make you uncomfortable, but remember what he said to Peter: “Unless I wash you, you will have no part with me.” He wants to help us so profoundly.
Will you allow Jesus to serve you today? He wants to lighten your burdens and take away your sins. He wants you to meet him personally, regardless of your status or what you’ve been through. Let him touch your heart so you can follow him with joy and gratitude. Today, bring the burden that weighs you down to Jesus. It shouldn’t be too small – or too big – for him to handle. Could you tell him about it? And you’ll see what starts to happen. “Jesus, I accept you as my Lord.”
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