The Baptism of Jesus A Mt 3,13-17

The Baptism of Jesus 2020

When the door of the apartment opens and from the maternity comes the mother with the child in his arms is a joyful event. The child is admitted to the human family. This acceptance is linked to the change of order in the family, which has not been there. The family adapts to the little child, what it needs.

Like admission to the human family we call birth, there is also admission to the family of God, which we call baptism. Jesus ‘ admission to the human family was a topic of our reasoning during Christmas. Today we consider more about his and our affiliation to the family of God. To put a man to question what I have from it that I was baptized must answer on the question, what do I have from that, that I have been admitted to the human family? The first thing a person gets is right to exist, walk around this earth. Existence is a gift that we call life. The second thing that the birth of a child brings is that one woman receives the right to appoint a mother and one man right to wear the title of the father. Other women, we can call it, aunt, neighbor, teacher, other men we can call, Uncle neighbor, or teacher. Something similar is happening at the baptism. We receive the right to call God our Father. Until we are baptized, we can call God the Lord, the creator, the judge. Mother and father provide child protection. Thus, the third advantage of baptism is the help and protection of God. But God gives even more. He gives our life a sense. Answer the basic questions, who am I and where do I go? The hardens advantage is inheritance. When God is my father, and I am his son, that means I will be after the birth of the Inherit. But God is not rich in Mercedes, houses, gardens, but to life in joy and in love. From the moment of baptism, we have the right to eternal life. Our life is directed towards eternity and not to a pointless end. However, rights are linked to obligations. The child is obliged to obey his parents, to behave so that the parents can be proud of him. Observe the command of love for God and to the closer. Even God expects us to conduct, for which he could be proud of us. The Encyclical Evangelism Vitae, written by John Paul II is fed. The Splendor of God shines in the face of man. The life that God donates to man is eternal. Through baptism, we got God’s life, thus attending the very divine life. Our answer to this gift should be our reverence and gratitude. In the past, the motto of the Saints was: run to the desert and  be quiet. Today is the motto of the Saints to stay in the world and speak. Talk about your God, tell it to people who have lost sense of higher values. Look at their pain, listen to their worries. Help them to heal their wounds. Show them that even today you can live by the ideal of Jesus Christ. Everywhere, in the family in the workplace in concern of modern life. Interestingly commented on this topic Father Henryk Nouven, who decided to live in the community of Arka. In this community there are people who are physically and spiritually affected. Once he came to him one girl and to cry  him. The Fathered you can bless me Father automatically fulfilled her request and made her head of a cross . Instead of Thanksgiving girl protested. This is nothing. I want a real blessing.   The Father realized that he gave blessings automatically, out of habit.   And said. Sorry, I’ll give you a blessing tonight when we’re all together. The evening was about 30 people together. Father said. Janette asked me to give her a real blessing. The girl got up and went to the priest. He gave her spontaneously hug and Janet to told: Janet to I want to let you know that you are loved the daughter of God. In God’s eyes you have a immense price. Your beautiful smile, your honesty, all the goodness of what you’re doing shows us you are  a special creature. I know that in these days you do not feel good that you wear sadness in your heart. But I would like to remind you who you are. You are a special girl. Let the Almighty God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit bless you. Janet to lifted his head, looked at the lever and showed her that the blessing really accepted. When he returned to his place, others asked a blessing. One young 24-year-old man named Paul went to the search.   The Father embraced him and said. Paul is beautiful to have you here. You are the beloved son of God. When you feel bad in life, remember that God will not finally love you. Paul with tears in his eyes looked at the priest and said. Thanks. All of us should realize. I am a God beloved,  by God of wanted. In the eyes of God I have a future. This gives us a baptism.

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