5.Sunday in year A Mt. 5,13-16

When we love someone, it is difficult for us to fulfill their wishes. And we love the Lord Jesus. Otherwise we wouldn’t have come here today. And he tells us in today’s Gospel, “You are the light of the world.” So, as a burning candle stands on a candlestick to shine on everyone who lives in the house, we too desire to be a world for others. to think in this silence that the Lord Jesus has ever declared himself that He is the light of the world. And today He tells us that we are the light of the world. How do we understand this, perhaps two different lights? light is like the sun’s light. In our solar system, the sun is the main light. It illuminates all orbits and planets reflecting sunlight on our earth at night. This is not their own light, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Venus and Mars shine so beautifully, but the moon shines brightest at night because it is closest to us. The sun is also the only source of light in our solar system, which is why people from the very beginning of the human race have had great respect for the sun. They so much worshiped the sun that they worshiped Him as God.  This is because they knew that the sun was an essential condition of life on earth. Without the sun, neither plants nor trees, animals, nor man could live. In the sun they rightly saw the highest adventure of humanity.And since the Lord Jesus was aware that he, as the Son of God, given to the world, is the supreme benefactor of humanity, he rightly proclaimed of himself: “I am the light of the world.” the light of the world by reflecting and flashing Jesus, reflecting on other people, as the moon and the planets reflect and reflecting, reflecting the sunlight for people at night. At first glance, you would certainly say that we should use our words to spread the truth of Jesus and the doctrine in your area.

Or his command, “Preach to them all that I have told you.” Or his challenges: “Whoever confesses me before men, I will confess before my heavenly Father.” And your answer is 100% correct. You are right to be a light for others with our words about God. And now we can sigh with relief: “Praise God that there have been times in our country when there are no obstacles to the proclamation of God’s Word. And there is no punishment for talking to others about our faith in God. But in today’s Gospel, Jesus asks us to become the light of the world in other ways than words. He specifically tells us, “Let your light shine before men to see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father.” So we should become a light for people by doing good deeds and bringing people to God much more confident and safer and more successful than words.And since the Lord Jesus was aware that he, as the Son of God, given to the world, is the supreme benefactor of humanity, he rightly proclaimed of himself: “I am the light of the world.” the light of the world by reflecting and flashing Jesus, reflecting on other people, as the moon and the planets reflect and reflecting, reflecting the sunlight for people at night. At first glance, you would certainly say that we should use our words to spread the truth of Jesus and the doctrine in your area.And since the Lord Jesus was aware that he, as the Son of God, given to the world, is the supreme benefactor of humanity, he rightly proclaimed of himself: “I am the light of the world.” the light of the world by reflecting and flashing Jesus, reflecting on other people, as the moon and the planets reflect and reflecting, reflecting the sunlight for people at night. At first glance, you would certainly say that we should use our words to spread the truth of Jesus and the doctrine in your area. Let us put this truth into our by true event described by the well-know French writer Mons. De Segure as follows. A religious cleric in Spicardia walked  in a long reverse in a quiet  street, praying the breviary, He was caught up by two Young university student in military uniforms. As they overtook him, they mocked him. And they spoke to each other like  this. I don’t like priests. Me neither. For me there is no religion. Not even for me. I haven’t been in confession for years. I haven’t been  in confession for About  15  years, Who would believe it? Only old women- Meanwhile, they approached the beggar who sat be the road. He held out his hand and begged for alms. They gave him some change. The second says; I bet he won’t give hin anything.

And they hid behind the fence. The pastor could not even notice, for he read the psalms in his breviary with his head bowed. When he came to the beggar a few minutes later he interrupted him in prayer and begged for alms. The pastor approached him and rolled his pockets on the reverse and in his pants. Finally he said to him, Brother, I just don’t have anything with me. I have nothing, said the pastor. I’m sorry. Two hidden young men watched it. See, one whispered, I told you he wouldn’t give him anything! Who would believe the parishioners!

But the priest did not leave the beggar. He began to talk to him. When he saw that the beggar was only wearing his pants, he asked him: Do you really have nothing else to wear? – I don’t, monsignor. Well, wait a bit. And the priest placed his prayer book on the ground, looked to one side and the other to see if anyone was going, jumped to an empty bus stop, stripped off his pants under the reverse and returned with his pants in his arms and handed them to the beggar: join me. The beggar with tears in his eyes thanked the priest and wanted to kiss his hands, but the priest, wrapped only in a reverse, took a book from the ground and continued to pray. The two hidden observers were quite shocked by what they saw. The next day they rang the parsonage and told the priest how they mocked him yesterday and how they talked wickedly, how they hid behind the fence and how they watched him. And finally they said: Your good deed has completely changed us. We turned to faith in God. We ask you both for a holy confession. And the priest willingly confessed them, and was very pleased that they turned to God.

Do you see the strength and effectiveness of good deeds before men? Not even ten sermons would have led these young men to God! One good deed is more effective than ten sermons. Do you now recognize why the Lord Jesus puts so much on our hearts to shine people with good deeds? Did not the doctor Albert Schweitzer shine before people by going to the African forest voluntarily to treat poor natives? Did not the great Indian Mahatma Gandhi shine before men when he fought without violence to liberate the oppressed nation? Did not the great monk Maximilian Kolbe shine before men when he sacrificed his life to save the life of a fellow prisoner who was the father of the family? Didn’t the young purity martyr Maria Goretti shine in front of people when she showed us that her own murderer could be forgiven? Is Mother Teresa of Calcutta not shining to the world, when the poor people thrown out on the street relieved their suffering by the love of Jesus Christ? Isn’t the religious Emanuel of Cairo shining before the people, who feed 12,000 hungry children a day? So, brothers and sisters, let us all be encouraged today to do everyday good deeds that reflect the light of Jesus in the environment in which we live. And so we will meet the challenge of Pope Paul VI who said: “The first means of evangelization is the testimony of true Christian life” (Evangelii nuntiandi No. 41).

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