Living in accordance with the truth

 We have pointed out that beauty and goodness are the essential qualities of God, and therefore it is in what is beautiful and good that we can discover God. But is it possible to build an encounter with God on something as subjective as beauty and goodness? After all, everyone likes something different and everyone considers something different to be good. Yes, it is true that in the perception of beauty and goodness there is a lot of subjective and it may not be something bad right away. But it is necessary to realize that beautiful is not necessarily what will charm me and good is not necessarily what is pleasant. If we are not clear on this, we can easily be fooled and go for something that is just an appearance.

            Here’s an example. We know five languages ​​of love. Each of us is sensitive to a different language of love. Someone is happy if love is expressed in words of appreciation, assurance. Another response to attention, to time spent together. He needs nothing but the other to be with him and listen to him. Another is sensitive to gifts, they show him that the other person thought of him even if they weren’t together. Then there are those who feel loved by physical contact. Touches speak louder than words. And finally, they are the ones who are attentive to the little deeds of service – I open the door, take the trash, cook my favorite food. I will do something that deviates from the normal framework. Here each of us is unique, and if we want to express love, it is important to express it in the language spoken by the other. It is not enough that I like to sit at home and listen if the other person speaks the language of service. Then you need to get up and do something. Similarly, it is not enough to constantly work around the house and beautify it when the other yearns for hearing, attention, time spent together.

            The other’s language is entirely subjective. But each of these languages ​​is true in itself and therefore good and beautiful. Evil slips when language ceases to be an expression of reality. I speak the language, but not out of love. I call it because I want to manipulate. I know what language the person is sensitive to, so I tell him to get what I want. Here we can no longer speak of love, this is a self-love. And here is one of the most difficult tasks of our lives. Learning to distinguish between I love YOU and I love SA. There is only one letter difference. So it looks very similar and therefore it is not easy to distinguish between them. Therefore, beauty and goodness must always be confronted with truth.

            This confrontation helps to distinguish in many situations. We know God’s law. Theoretically we can define what is and what is not a serious sin. But everyday life brings many difficult situations where it is not easy to distinguish what is right. There are situations where it is not possible to live an ideal. What then? This criterion is very helpful here. Trying to be true. Not to try to keep the external law at all costs, but to admit – I can’t do it. It scares us – but it’s a sin! But what’s better for a parent? If a child comes and admits truthfully that he does not know something, does not manage, has gone wrong, or is he trying hard, worrying and then covering up? When a parent sees that their child has a problem with something, he asks, “What’s wrong with you? What annoys you? ”What is the most painful answer? “Nothing, everything is fine …” A parent wants to help, facilitate, listen, understand, but cannot, because he has nothing to do. The truth is denied – I’m fine. This is the Pharisee, into which we fall, if only mechanically, outwardly executing orders, because it must be so. This situation puts us further away from God than the sin we commit from weakness. There we are at least true and accept the truth about ourselves – I am weak. Then God can help us. There is hope for change and therefore the situation is better.

            Similarly, compliance with the truth can also help in distinguishing in dilemmas what to do. The bad is trying to get us into a split. Sometimes, as the only solution, he presents a compromise with some sin. Crisis in marriage: husbands stay together for children, but otherwise there is an emotional cold. Over time, one or both sites will become acquainted and start living with them. They both take it as a getaway from a reality that is devastating and unable to live it. They don’t want to get divorced because they don’t want to hurt children, they don’t get along, they just get hurt, and they both long for acceptance, understanding. The new relationship is not necessarily about pleasure. He is about finding what they do not get at home. And this is how they can work for years. And they don’t know what’s better to move. They sit on two chairs, no decision because both seem heavy. The solution is to accept the truth – our relationship has disintegrated and I do not have the power to change it or accept the truth, this solution to the crisis is wrong and that is why I am fighting. Both solutions are better than living in two incompatible worlds. Unfortunately, there are priests who work that way. They love their priesthood, they want to serve, they do not want to leave ministry, to disappoint believers, but on the other hand, they have become entangled in a relationship with which they cannot end. What now?

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