What is the true resemblance to God?

In God there are all perfections, therefore it is his a reflection of every good we do. Not surprising us, then, that the answers of the Fathers to this question are very diverse. In patristic times, they are generally distinguished. Two basic tendencies e – From this point of view, the Alexandrian school sees a divine resemblance in the human mind able to know spiritual facts; Antioch the school, on the other hand, admires the human control of all other creatures on earth and the royal dignity of man. Less well known, but very profound, is the opinion of St. Gregory of Nazian. It is based on general accepted ideas that man is an image of the other divine Person, Son, who is the Word of the Father, Greek Logos. Man is the logician, that is, the one who is able to speak, is able to understand another person’s word and tell them who listens to him. He who listens and speaks continues relationship with others. If he listens to Christ, the Word par excellence, he establishes a relationship with God the Father and returns to the blissful state of paradise. In the time before sin, he heard Adam was the voice of God even in the morning breeze (cf. Gn 3: 8) But be perfect that is, as a son sitting at a heavenly table reserved to those who were adopted as sons. Saint Cyril of Thessaloniki, who became the apostle of the Slavs together with Methods, was a persistent reader Gregory of Nazians. He respected him immensely for human beings the words by which he entered into divine kinship. This is also illustrated by one episode narrated in his biography. Before he was to go to Moravia, he was sent as a messenger of the Emperor of Constantinople to the Khazar, to the people, who adopted the Jewish religion. He was accepted by them chief, invited to a feast and asked what social status his family occupies so that he can report a reasonable place. Cyril replied, “My father he sat at the table of the supreme king, but he committed grave transgression, was expelled and stripped of his confidentiality relationship with the king. I am now a poor refugee who trying to gain the lost honor. “If we want to draw practical lessons from these considerations, we come by prayer in which we listen to God, and we turn to him in words, that our resemblance to God, who is the Father, manifests and grows, The Son and the Holy Spirit, the three Persons in eternal conversation. It is also changes our way of understanding good and evil. This means not only listening or not listening to the laws, but also change our personal relationship with the Father in Heaven. Jesus’ conflict is better understood in this context with the Pharisees. They boast of their perfect preserves of the Mosaic Law at a time of decay of ancient morality. And yet they did not honor this Law as the voice of heaven
Father, they applied it mechanically. Referring to the norms of the Law insulted the love that is the meaning of everything what God says

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