32 Sunday year C

Archive of Sunday Reading and Homilia

32 Sunday “over a year”-year C




Lk 20, 27-38

 Thoughts on the Homilia 

 The memories of the deceased include the “soul” weather. Rain, Mist, Wind, raw, short day, and long night… Such weather binds particular anxiety and also associated thoughts about the death and the end of the world. He walks only the old but too young. On whether he wants or does not want is confronted with the question: Do I believe in the afterlife?

 This question is discussed obviously and today’s gospel. Jesus ends his speech by saying that God is not the God of the dead but alive because everyone lives for him.

 In those times, they were also not all clear about this issue. Some Jews have been reported to the side called Sadducees, which was very influential and belonged to it by some high priest. It was the Party of Lords who allowed a looser and brighter life, so they did not recognize life after death and did not believe in the resurrection of the dead. For Jesus, some members have come from this party who wanted to ridicule him and to prevent him from claiming life after death. Therefore, they invented an interesting case to whom the woman will belong after the resurrection, which had seven brothers on the ground for the spouses. Jesus reacts very quietly, seriously, and at all will not let provoke. He says: The sons of this age are reaping and issuing. But those who are recognized as a worthy of the period and resurrection, are no longer being tender or not giving up. They can no longer die because they are like angels, and they are the sons of God because they are the sons of the resurrection.

 Theologians explain the answer to Jesus, so that only the country there is death, so people’s lives should be complemented with new lives. And this happens in marriages. Therefore, here from God’s will, people reap and issue. In eternity there is no need to replenish life with new lives because there are people not giving up and tendon, but they are like angels like the Sons of God. Therefore, the more sensible scribes of Jesus ‘ response were praised because he clearly and clearly defended the resurrection of the dead.

 Jesus ‘ response also has in us to strengthen faith an afterlife. Many people lose it and say that the only way of life after death lies in the fact that a man vessels children, and they keep in mind and heart the memory of his life and work. But Jesus points to the afterlife of the right sight and clearly says that it is not a data extension of the early life. Many in it suffer a lot, experienced a lot of disappointment, distress, and tell yourself how they could yearn to have such a life continued after death?! That’s why I prefer not to believe it. Jesus thus radically closes this idea and says that in the second world , we will be as angels as the sons and daughters of God. We will be invited to the Infinite divine Love, beauty, joy, and bliss that infinitely surpasses all the happiness of this earnest life. Life after death can be likened a large iron magnet that attracts millions of iron grains with the force of its magnetic field. Also, the great and the infinite God by the strength of his divine love attracts in the afterlife of all together. According to Jesus Heaven there is no life in some magnificent hall or in the beautiful palace, but it is the existence of God’s eternal love, the community of those who live in it. But it has one condition – it can only live there who has love. We already understand why Jesus so often requires us to love both God and the neighbor? Because it’s the only way to eternal love heaven!

 Have I abounded with love? I love the above all God and neighbor as myself? If I were to be in the same moment before God for my life, how would he be assessed? Was there so much love to deserve eternal life in heaven?

 The same woman died of a cancer husband. The last few months of life were completely been mastered, and relatives advised her to bring him to the hospital or to the Institute because he could not do anything with his unmanageable flesh. However, the woman did not want to hear about it and become aware of the husband’s age. Somebody asked her how it handles? Then he replied: I love God, and I love him just in my husband. He gives me the power to control it.

 So, we got up to the action of good deeds, which encourages us to be a careless woman. 

Encouraging her example to prepare for eternal life with good deeds and then eternal life becomes an obvious program.








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