Treasure on earth and treasure in heaven.

Religion pays off
Many times, people put their money in a banking company with high-interest rates so that they can get to the money as quickly as possible. But this banking company did not last long, went bankrupt, and all the people had money stored there; they lost it. Jesus warns us in the gospel, “Gather treasures in heaven; there I am it destroys neither moth nor rust, and thieves do not conquer and steal ”(Mt 6:20).
A treasure for man is what is rare, dear to him. That’s why he wants to hide it so that it is not destroyed so soon. Once upon a time, people put rare things in chests, but they got moles or mice and destroyed everything. Or, when thieves enter the house, they look for the rarest things that tend to be hidden. Today, money is a great treasure for every person. Jesus, when he spoke about treasure, he did not mean that we should not own property at all. He didn’t even say so that we do not save our money or take out life insurance. Not even he did not say that we should despise the material things we have from the Creator. But Jesus tells us to beware of selfish gathering, eccentric and the luxurious life and matter that binds our hearts to the earth.
St. Paul instructs his disciple Timothy on the true spiritual treasure
and he says that religion and contentment with what I have is the greatest gain. We have brought nothing and will not take anything into this world. Further, it says that those who want to get rich fall into temptation and covetousness because the love of money leads to destruction. St. Paul admonishes the rich in this they did not put hope in uncertain wealth in the world, but they do put their hope in God. The rich should do well and thus become even richer for good deeds.
They have to be generous and know how to share, and this will be a good basis for them for eternal life (cf. 1 Tim 6: 6-10: 17-19).

We have another great example in the Old Testament, where it is said that it pays to do good deeds that will be credited to us in heaven. It’s a book of Tobias, where Tobias, the father, shall give his father, Tobias, his son warnings and advice in the form of a will. Tobias says, “Never turn away the face of the poor, lest the face of God turns from thee. He who does deeds of mercy, he brings to the Highest a gift which he pleases. ” And Tobi continues further: “You will have great wealth, if you fear only God, protect yourself of all sin and to do good before the Lord your God ”(cf. Tob 4,5-21). Although now we may not clearly see that it pays to gather wealth in heaven, let us be patient and see everything at the right time. Let us pray: Almighty God, give us the grace to be with you to gather real treasures that no one will take from us, nor will they ever be destroyed, and so they themselves came to heaven once.

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