First the kingdom of God

Let us always put God’s interests first.
You have noticed that he is not under any stress when a person is cool, much he did better at work. He was in a good mood and poured around him the peace he had inside.
The Lord Jesus says to each of us, “Seek God first the kingdom and its righteousness, and all these more you will receive ”(Mt 6:33).
By God’s kingdom, we usually understand heaven and eternal life in it. That is, we will get there after our death, and together with the angels and the saints there, we will worship the Almighty as the greatest King. In one, a youth song sings that the kingdom of God is here between us, and the Saints Scripture confirms this when he says, “The kingdom of God is love, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit ”(cf. Rom 14:17). So the fact that we are already striving here on earth for brotherly love, we spread peace around us, whether at home or at work, and everything to do this with a pure heart and with a pure intention is the beginning of God the kingdom here on earth, which will then pass into eternity.
So first, we should strive for God’s kingdom to exist here between us and then everything else, that is, earthly things God will give us as a gift. Because only in love, peace and joy can other things be made much more easily. For what will profit me to build a house when I fight with my brother all my life for the property? But our primary task is to build the kingdom of God, and for others, God will take care of us because He knows very well what we need.
Let us now look at the great figure of King Solomon. When he began to rule over all Israel, he was still young and inexperienced. Therefore, he asked in prayer from God to give him an attentive heart, administer the people of Israel justly, and distinguish well between good and evil. Simply put, he begged for wisdom in his reign. And God said to him, “Because you did not desire wealth, long age and death of my enemies, I will give you what you ask. Your heart will be the wisest in the world. But I’ll also give you what you didn’t ask for. I will give you wealth and glory that no king has, and I will give you a long age (cf. 1 Kings 3: 5-14). This example shows very well what Jesus himself said we have to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and everything else to us adds.
Let us pray: Dear our heavenly Mother, the Virgin Mary. You are the first of us. She found the kingdom of God when you accepted Jesus into your life; while you are, she didn’t know what else awaited you. Please teach us to seek God first and his kingdom, and all other things, put into his hands: for he is Almighty and lives and reigns forever and ever.

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