Encounter with Jesus in prayer
During this seminar, you will get a lot of instructions for prayer; you will get a lot of experience that you will apply in your personal life, each according to your nature, manner of life, gender, sensitivity, and sensitivity. Not every occasion and every type of prayer will suit everyone, and it is essential to realize that there are many ways to meet God. Since this seminar is on inner healing, you will get into more intimate connections with yourself and God. If you can say something to God, that means you have already understood something in the field of inner healing.
We can meet Jesus in prayer, but also phony and truthful contact with my brothers and sisters. Love God and love your neighbor – these are the two poles of true healing. The point is, to receive God’s love and give it to other people. When we pray, we enter into an intimate relationship with the Lord, in which He comes to communication between God and us. This communication is about me talking and him he listens, or he speaks, and I hear. Often our prayer is just a monologue in which I’m the only one talking, but I’m not interested in listening to him anymore. This is not an intimate relationship with God but only storytelling. What steps lead to meeting the Lord in prayer? Let’s explain.
First stage: Prayer as listening to the Lord
Prayer is an intimate relationship with God; it is a friendship with Jesus and a conversation. Praying does not mean doing something but being with someone. Praying is not just about asking but about asking
to talk to God. People often ask me, “How do I pray?” Many say: “I can’t pray.” If you have a similar problem, tell Jesus … and you’re already praying. Tell him you don’t know how to pray … and you’re already praying. Praying is not something to do, to say or not to say, to use or not to use reason. Praying means to be with someone, to be in his presence. To pray means to take a position of helplessness before the Lord, to stand in his presence, before him. When we listen to the Lord, we must be very simple. Imagine a person who likes classical music. He turns on the radio and searches for a program with classical music, and it does not find a suitable station, but leaves the radio on and continues what he did before. As soon as the classic starts the program, the music, immediately catches his eye because the radio has been turned on. During prayer, we must open our hearts to capture what God wants to tell us. And God is speaking to us many things, many circumstances, through brothers and sisters.
Prayer is also the opening of the heart so that we can listen to it. When we pray, often we say, “I do not hear what Jesus is telling me!” Jesus will not whisper in our ears. He might even whisper to us, but he doesn’t do it under normal circumstances. So how do we capture what does God tell us? Let’s remember the Scriptures when Samuel heard a voice. He went to Him and said to him, “Here I am, sir, you called me! “He told him,” The voice you hear is the voice of God, Samuel, so be it.
ready. But now go and lie down. And when you hear his voice again, you will know it is The voice of God “(cf., L Sam. 3: 1-18). You, too, must be prepared to capture the voice of God in events, in the circumstances, through the Bible or brothers and sisters. If your heart is open, you will surely capture the moment when God speaks to you.
Second stage: Prayer as opening the interior to the Lord.
If we are already trained in listening to the Lord, we can tell him what we are experiencing and what we are feeling. It may seem simple to you, but it’s not. I hope I don’t shock you when you do, I will say that often when we go to pray, we put on a mask. We are very angry with the Lord, but we will not tell him. We’ll tell the spiritual leader or confessor, but we will not disclose the Lord. We do not dare to go before the Lord, and they said, “Sir, I am angry with you.” We feel that we would not be with him respectfully enough. And instead of telling the Lord, we’re angry with him, we begin to praise him. We want to cry, but we try to be happy. We are full of fear, but we try to act like brave people. We cannot be ourselves before the Lord. We can’t cry in front of the Lord; maybe we can’t even dance in front of him. We do not know ours, then the inner feelings and our prayer are not in line with what we feel. Often with the Lord, we talk about things that have nothing to do with what we are going through at the moment. God knows everything about us, whether we tell him or not. If we are angry with him, he knows we are mad at him. We may try to hide that we are sad, but he knows that we are unhappy. Is so, it is useless to put on a mask. Let us be before God ourselves. Jesus was before God himself. When he was filled with joy, he danced in the Spirit and cried out to the Father: “I magnify thee, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and you have revealed them to little ones” (Lk 10:21). However, when fear penetrated him, he asked the Father: “Father, everything is possible for you, please remove this cup from me However, not what I desire, but you desire.(cp. Mk 14,36). When he was on God angry, very clearly, and told him in front of everyone, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? “(Mark 15:34). He was himself, and despite manifesting himself in this way, all his words addressed to the Father were a prayer. It was a prayer that came from the heart, not just from reason.
Third stage: Prayer as contemplation
We move on to the next stage when we contemplate God and remain before Him without saying something. When we talk about contemplation, we can say that we are sunbathing before God. When we sunbathe, we do not think about the Sun. But after an hour of sunbathing, we notice that we have changed, for better or worse, but that is the second thing. When we come before The Eucharist, and we remain before it; we also change, even if we fall asleep. It can be to prayer because we absorb the power that flows from the Eucharist during the blessing of contemplation. We often think that the perfection of our prayer depends on a lot of nice words. He will come for a man and tell me, “Father, I was in a prayer meeting. If you only knew how I prayed there beautifully! That prayer must have come from the Holy Spirit. “-” As you know, that your prayer was beautiful? “-” Because I said many beautiful words. “Like nice words, they were a guarantee of beautiful prayer. God is not a poet who needs our poems to us, he understood. Sure, God is also a poet, but above all, he is the Father. So the importance of our prayer does not lie in a style that when we use prayer, it is not in the beautiful words we choose, but in what is in the heart we survive. Prayer is most beautiful when we come before Jesus, remain silent before him, and look at him. The less we say in prayer, the more attractive we pray. Imagine the little girl who comes to her mother, says nothing, looks into her mother’s eyes.
Think about how your mother feels when looking at her daughter, who is looking into her eyes. That is the most beautiful meeting between a girl and a mother. So look at Jesus too, stay in his presence and say nothing – it will be a prayer of contemplation.
Fourth stage: Prayer as a transformation into Jesus.
In the next step of prayer, we not only unite with Jesus but change into Jesus. We become who we love. At first glance, this may seem strange, but we notice what Paul says: “I no longer live, but Christ lives in me” (Gal 2:20). If we reach to this stage of prayer, many of our questions will be resolved. You often ask if you can do a particular act. And I will answer you, “Do as Jesus would do.” And at that moment you have already received an answer. For example, if a mother asks me, “Can I be angry with my child?” I will answer: “Be angry with your child as if Jesus were angry with the child.” the answer. Sometimes it is necessary to show anger, but one cannot pour out one’s wrath on someone. This anger would certainly not come from love. Imagine a mother coming to me who has a 16-year-old daughter with whom she has serious difficulties. And this mother would beat her daughter. She would come to me and ask me a question: “She beat her, I am my daughter. What do you think I did well or not?” This topic can be guided to far-reaching discussions, but instead of discussing, I would say to my mother, “Follow Jesus, look him in the eye, and say unto him, Lord Jesus, I smote my daughter. Did I do well? – And then pray to get an answer. “There is no need for discussion; you just have to watch In Jesus’ eyes. And you will get an answer. The Fathers of the Desert had a similar experience of prayer. They always imagined Jesus; they looked into his eyes and asked him, “Is it okay like this?” And they certainly got the answer. they summed up the words, “In every problem we have, we just have to look Jesus in the eye.”
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