Where to pray?
Where to pray?
Some people best meet the Lord in the twilight of one, a remote temple or a lonely chapel. Some prefer it to thrive when they go out on the patio, into the garden, or into the fields, for deep nights, under a sky full of stars, when the voices of this had died down of the world. Others feel more connected to God when they look closely on some flower or when wandering looking to beautiful landscape or secluded on a hill.
Some people have never felt God’s presence so strongly as when visiting a sick man who spread around unpleasant odor, or when penetrated some dirty neighborhoods to bring a smile and a kind word to the poor. Some people cannot concentrate in a group of people who prays; others need to lean on a group.
When to pray?
Some people feel rested, fulfilled in the morning after waking up rooms and this is the best time for them to concentrate and pray. Conversely, for people who have a rich subconscious, this happens: during sleep, their subconscious mind takes advantage of the waking presence consciousness invades who from where and attacks the whole as a thief an area of personality where much of the night works according to your taste. As a result of this nocturnal invasion, these people are waking up tired and in a bad mood, they are more tired than when you do they went to bed as if they had been fighting all night against I don’t know what enemies. I have met people who feel great about this phenomenon, resisting every prayer, starting with its name. They don’t know why. But soon, an unconscious association between the bad is revealed mood and sleep on the one hand and prayer on the other on the second, because both of these matters were each morning in a row year together.
The best time for prayer is usually early evening. In everything, the traffic had subsided. The bright light passed, and everything seemed to becalm and rest. The day’s fight is over, and it’s a nice and quiet moment. Some people prefer to pray late at night. They are certainly people who are worthless in the evening; they want to sleep. For those who do not, this may be the time for prayer best: all work is over, everyone is asleep, it’s everywhere silenced, it invites everything to be intimately shared with the Lord. In the biblical tradition, people enjoy and look for the night as an ideal moment to share with the Lord. So did Jesus.
Absolute spontaneity?
We live in an era of spontaneity. No regulations are tolerated. There is a mechanical resistance to everything that would mean authority, paternal supervision … There has been a kind of reign since Bonhoeffer’s time, a myth that controls all classes of people and is accepted as absolute truth: the maturity of humanity and therefore the maturity of the individual. These are two myths; in fact, only the only myth before the serious analysis does not stand. There are certainly clear and general principles: one who feels like an adult does not claim this. When someone into all the world, the parties announce their maturity; it is a sign that he is not an adult. An adult never feels that he is with him treated like a child. If someone feels like it’s with him treats him like a child, it is usually a sign that he is childish.
Pray? Everyone in the church answers: whenever I do, he wants. What looks like maturity has a lot in its childhood. What if we made this attitude general conclusions? Study? When I have a taste. Work? When I want to. Where would the world go with such spontaneity? Probably to childish anarchy in the name of adult maturity. In a spontaneous conversation, many – almost the majority – They entrust that if they do not pray in the Community, then never they do not pray in private, and if they do not pray in one for a specified period, neither in the Community nor in private.
The fact that a person has reached his maturity is an unfounded myth. Just look inside, and we will find it everywhere, failure to honor the commitments made; we also find that the word often means nothing.
I knew the insiders who put on their professional level aroused admiration for their performance and organizational skills: we’re able to run successful schools with thousands of pupils and the whole hospital. These people were adults in this area: they had a sense of order, punctuality, and responsibility. However, as they admitted, these people were in the process of fulfilling their religious commitments is very unreliable. Who understands this contradiction?
I believe that if you do not spend a certain amount of time together
Prayer organized by the Community is easy to attend because prayer as such is wholly abandoned. It is a need to establish a particular hierarchy of values, to organize your life according to it, and to give to God what is God’s. The Community should help overcome the weakness of the individual and set common lessons of prayers. This does not prevent everyone from enjoying themselves spontaneously, he did not establish his intense moments of worship. As we have said, I must never forget to pray it is not easy and requires effort; man instinctively keeps the law to a minimum. Therefore, he prefers any external activity, which is more accessible, before internal activity prayers.
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