Obstacles on the way to God.

Agnostic Jean Rostand was forced to write. I really don’t see how it is possible to derive all the richness of man’s spirit and culture from matter and its atoms. How is it possible that people resist acknowledging spirituality and accepting God as the fundamental reality on which the world and man’s whole life rests? The narrow horizon of human consciousness is the most common cause of the disorder in knowing God. Not all newspaper readers read both sports and economic news. Music professors will probably be less interested in financial issues. We have strong mental attitudes. They are often obstacles to knowledge. The artist finds it difficult to understand the technical problem of the dam. This is obvious to the builder. Today’s man quickly becomes one-sided. He doesn’t see things outside his department. Even if he sees them, he sees them through the eyes of his union. This also applies to attitudes towards religion. Many bases all their knowledge on empirical knowledge, closing the way to God. They want to see everything in the laboratories under a microscope. What they don’t see there doesn’t exist for them. How many times it has already been shown how limited this requirement is. How do you prove that Aristotle lived? How can you prove many philosophical truths in this way? Another obstacle on the way to God is our way of thinking, which goes into more and more detail, but it escapes the whole. The specialization of our sciences betrays us. We are satisfied with the details. We must have the entire person in front of our eyes. who goes beyond what can be seen and touched by the hands—being human means constantly asking questions, not stopping at any artificial boundaries. If natural science suffices as an explanation of a lifetime, it is a sign of touching naivety. There are two ways of knowing: counting knowledge and intent knowledge.
Computational knowledge is  natural science and technology. Contemplative wisdom seeks the last causes and the last meaning of life. We begin to talk about God when we ask not only about the pattern of chlorophyll but when we ask about the entire, how a person in the world is possible, how the entire universe is possible with a thinking person at the top. Information about God cannot be seen and captured by the senses. Understanding God has been and always has to do with understanding with being and order. The idea of ​​the order has struck people from the beginning. People thought about it. They knew they couldn’t rearrange the stars in the sky. And they discovered that, behind the world of stars and the world of living beings, there must be some organizing factor that is the originator of all the phenomena of the world. This originator is God.

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