Our homeland is in heaven. Lk 21,20-28
Many people were already expecting the near end of the world in Jesus’ day. They expected him with great inner turmoil. About these last days and many writings circulated among the people. Jesus does not deny the end of the world, but it connects him with his second coming, when he comes into the world with power and great glory. Hope and joy pour into these terrifying scenarios because he says it will be the day of our redemption. The world will find salvation and salvation with the Son of man.
“When it starts to happen, stand up straight, raise your head, because yours is coming to redemption ”(Lk 21,28).
In recent days, it will look like in the days of Noah. God intervened, they will sink into the history of Noah’s time amid people’s daily lives.
Some worked, others rested, but that’s not important. The important thing is that their life went on without God. And that became fatal for them. Even with Jesus’ second upon arrival, people will go for their work, rest, interests. And vigilance means living your daily life with God. We know that, as in the days of Noah, so many today live as if God were not. What they mean, words to stand up and raise our heads when Jesus comes? Standing uprightness is a sign of our freedom, the freedom of God’s children. But standing, it is also a sign of joy. And a raised head shows where we’re looking for rescue, where is our hope. It is a sign of our desire to be closer to God. We do not know whether the second coming of Christ will take place during our lifetime, nor do we not need to know. Even if it did, not for a faithful Christian is a reason for fear. On the contrary. We long for Christ, for meeting him, and we look forward to His coming. Therefore, let us watch all the time and pray that we could stand upright with our heads up before the Son of Man when it comes in glory (cf. Lk 21: 28.36). For blessed are those whom the Lord has arrival finds vigilance. There are so many issues in the world that you are not can’t give advice in today’s world. Even though scientific progress was advancing miles forward, he was able to explain several natural and physical phenomena beyond his natural intellect abilities. Doctors, scientists, and no one else can answer the question unequivocally, whether there is eternal life, the life of man after death. Today’s man is most confident with both feet on solid ground. He is influenced by materialism and some visions of the future eternity, which are built only on man’s faith – such are what is very difficult today to accept. The contemporary believes only what he can touch, what is firmly holding in hand.
The priest asked his believing parish priest, “Would you like to go to heaven?” “True!” “Would you go anyway?” The parish priest was breathtaking; he didn’t know to answer her. He had never thought about it before because he was young, full of strength and plans, and as he had somehow never thought about eternity. And how would we react? Probably like the believer. Who would do that? Thought that in the best years he had to leave his job, his family, friends … Each of us should realize that death is not a grave or a pit, but it is the gateway to a new, eternal life. Eternity is not a “grave life,” but communion with God. Everyone is heading for eternity. What would the point we had our earthly life if it didn’t lead to eternity? We know all of them, our efforts and endeavours every day deserve our eternal reward in heaven. Can you imagine everything ending with death? What sense would it make, then, our life? We deserve our eternity every day. St. Paul writes: “Neither the eye saw nor the ear heard, nor came into the human heart, has it God prepared for those who love him” (1 Cor 2: 9). Whoever accepts Christ into his own life becomes a new man, he finds man’s meaning, and death for him ceases to be a scarecrow. Lord, give us more faith and wisdom so that we do not dwell on the thought of death. Instead, fill us with great joy and confidence when the day comes of our departure; you will be with us.
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