Advent thinking

Advent is the preparation for the coming of Jesus Christ, which we so eagerly await. First, we are preparing a Christmas celebration. The life of a believer in the constant expectation of this coming. It is not just that we remember historical events that occurred in Bethlehem two thousand years ago. It is much more necessary to understand that our whole life is supposed to be adventurous. The symbol of arrival is an Advent wreath with four candles. Most are often candles of purple color. Advent preparation is mentioned of Pope Leo the Great in 440. Another feast comes from France. At that time, the advent lasted six weeks. Pope Gregor reduced this time to four weeks. This time symbolizes four thousand years of waiting for the Messiah. For centuries rotate Holy Mass was held in Advent time. They take place in the morning braking under candlelight. These holy masses remind us that before the coming of Christ, humanity walked in the dark. The people walking in darkness have seen a great light, on those living in the land of the shadow of death, a light has dawned. Isaiah 9,2. Advent time is not supposed to be a shopping spree time. It should be a time when we prepare to meet Christ. As I said, the symbol of advent is an advent wreath. A wreath is a symbol of victory. In antiquity, the commander of the victorious army received a wreath. The light from the burning candles symbolizes the coming Christ, who chased away darkness and fear.for he is light of the world.

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