Prediction of the Holy Spirit.

Among the most-watched information is the weather forecast. According to this, we can arrange many things to our better satisfaction or avoid inconveniences and difficulties.

This gospel also has the character of information. Jesus said to His disciples: “When he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into the full truth…” (Jn. 16:13).

This information about the Holy Spirit is valuable to us as believers. First of all, we knew very little about the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament. The Lord Jesus spoke more often about the Holy Spirit, but he says it in more detail today. The Holy Spirit causes the disciples and us to know the fullness of the truth and become teachers of it. That is why many things, initially, the apostles and believers were not ready to accept and understand. It is only with the coming of the Holy Spirit that significant obstacles such as unstable faith and fear-filled hearts are removed. Jesus says that the Holy Spirit will do nothing that contradicts the teachings of Jesus Christ. He will not speak for Himself, but only what He has heard from the Father and the Son. Thus, he is the Spirit of the Lord Jesus, and therefore he cannot begin to teach a new doctrine that the Lord Jesus has not already preached. His mission will be to make people aware of what is to come, that is, to give people a sign of the times so that the teachings of Jesus must be interpreted correctly and acceptably in the spirit of the times, for the needs of the times because every age wants to find for itself a satisfactory answer to the problematic questions and pains of the teachings of the Lord Jesus, and this will be the task of the Holy Spirit. In this way, the Church will understand the message of the Lord Jesus ever more fully and present it ever better in changed circumstances.

When we think of the history of the Church, we see the admirable vitality of the Church, which is the work of the Holy Spirit. We see that already ancient man was satisfied with the teaching of the Lord Jesus. Jesus became the summit even in the Middle Ages. Therefore, the Holy Spirit works so that in every age, He wants to captivate the whole man: his thinking, his desires, his wishes. Therefore, there is nothing new under the sun when we witness that the teachings of Christ also interest the attention of a modern man. Nothing prevents man from pursuing his art, sport, science, and politics; only let it be for his eternal salvation and that of other immortal souls.
It would be ridiculous if, in this atomic age, the teachings of Christ were preached in the spirit of antiquity or the medieval manner. But even today, the Holy Spirit directs the Church and her leaders so that not error but truth is proclaimed because even today, man has his task, which must be carried out in Spirit and truth. Today, there is always talk about the actual freedom and dignity of man, his purpose, the content of his life, and man’s place in God’s plan.

Today, the believing Christian is not impoverished by being a believer; on the contrary, he is distinguished from the unbeliever by the still more wonderful idea that he believes in eternal life. He does not live only for this world but, in cooperation with the Holy Spirit, directs and corrects his actions to pass successfully through life, stand the test of life, and thus merit eternal life.

Nothing has changed in words recorded for us by the scribe:
– We are in the world to know the Lord God, to love him, to serve him, and so to come to eternal life -.

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