Eternity, or the temporal limitation of the universe.

Although this question has been controversial since the earliest times
of human civilization, it was in 1929 that the modern cause broke out.
Astrophysicist Erwin Hubble irrefutably proved that our universe is not stationary but dynamic. He found that all distant galaxies are away from each other, which means the universe is expanding. When the is increasing, it means that in the past it was smaller, and the current question of what minimum volume it’s growing from. To solve the most famous physicists of the time (Stephen. Hawking, Arthur Peacock, and others) and the result of their study was surprising: the universe must expand from a “singular point,” which, in layman’s terms, from “zero.” Science has thus (by scientific methods) arrived at
a knowledge which, since the beginning of humanity, has been proclaimed by all religions that the universe has a face, i.e., that it is not eternal. It is also an earnest insight for philosophy, so it is no wonder that the problem of the Big Bang, as the moment of birth of the universe, has been and still is given special attention. If we look at this issue more closely, it doesn’t hurt.

We know from history that the deeper we delve into it, the less accurate and confident we are of information about individual events and personalities. And this is information from a few millennia at most. The Big Bang is talked about, is said to have taken place about 15 billion years ago. Can we confidently claim that a particular extraordinary event took place billions of years ago? What do we have
to guarantee that it took place at all? And so, quite naturally and insistently, the issue arises: Was there not a Big Bang?
The idea of the Big Bang was born in the 1930s and was formulated by the Russian physicist George Gamow, who left the Soviet Union to live in the USA. He even predicted that there would be a direct witness to this glorious event in the universe, so-called relic radiation, but his idea was sparked earlier by a smile. At that time, only one other observation suggested the possibility of the Big Bang’s existence-Hubble’s universe expansion. The discovery of the presence of the Gamow-predicted relic radiation (1965) by the American astrophysicists Robert W. Wilson and Arne A. Penzias. When added to this was an excellent agreement of data on the composition of the oldest stars, with the prediction arising from the existence of the Big Bang, a situation arose in which only a negligible fraction of the world’s public does not believe that it happened.
So we now have three experimental proofs that the Big Bang did happen, and further evidence appears to be on the horizon. To reinforce our belief that our universe began in the existence of the Big Bang, we’ll review all three pieces of evidence for its existence. The first is Hubble’s discovery of the expansion of the universe. The personal circumstance that allowed Hubble to detect the universe’s development was simply the good fortune of having a telescope at his disposal to observe even the most distant galaxies. The objective factor that helped him make his world-famous discovery is known.  It is a physical phenomenon that anyone can try and whose nature is not difficult to understand. Perhaps the ordinary person is not even aware of it, but if it were brought to his attention, he would certainly notice that when the source of the sound approaches him, he hears a higher pitch than when the head is moving away from him. This observation also applies to light because it is a kind of wave. The case is interesting for astrophysics because the latter deals, among other things, with the reception of light (and different types of electromagnetic radiation) from astrophysical objects. An increase in wavelength means a shift of light to the red color; a decrease shifts it to the violet color of the spectrum. Therefore, the “red” or “violet” shift has been adopted in practice.

If Hubble focused the telescope on closer objects, by the expectation, it measured redshift or purple shift, depending on whether the thing was moving towards or away from it. When he focused only on the most distant galaxies, he measured only the red redshift, indicating that all the distant galaxies were moving away from the observed “reference point.” This receding is not insignificantly small, as it might seem at first glance. At present, the most distant galaxies are moving away from us (and from each other are moving away from each other at speeds comparable to the speed of light (i.e., about 300,000 km/s). In this context, laypeople often ask whether this speed, which according to Einstein’s theory of relativity the maximum possible, can also be exceeded. The answer is yes – in this case, it is mainly a matter of receding due to the expansion of space-time, not the motion of galaxies within it.

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