Testimonies about Jesus.
Do we have experience in giving testimony? The principle applies that the more credible a witness is, the more important and necessary his testimony becomes. John the apostle describes the testimony of Christ, which we should know in our faith and should not bypass. Jesus said to the Jews: “If I testify about myself, my testimony is not true. But there is someone else who testifies about me, and I know that the testimony he gives about me is true” (Jn 5:31-32).
Jesus acts as the Messiah, and according to the laws of the time, rightly so. That is, in Jewish law, it was valid that the sentence could become valid only when the facts of the act were witnessed by two witnesses. The Jews knew this regulation from the book of Moses, which we call Deuteronomy. There it is written: “One witness shall be of no avail in any guilt or crime which any man hath committed; the decision will depend on the testimony of two or three witnesses” (Deuteronomy 19:15). Jesus knows these regulations. He is sent by God, and he is approved by several testimonies: the testimony of John the Baptist, his deeds and miracles, the laws of Moses, or the books of the Holy Scriptures and by God the Father himself, who is his crown witness to him. The deeds that Jesus does are the deeds of God, and the voice of the Father calls to faith in Jesus Christ, as every unbiased person knows. Jesus Christ is the ambassador of God. We realize that whoever rejects such testimony is outside the law, his trial is false and invalid.
Centuries, and now millennia, have not changed anything for some. There are people in our environment who try to include Jesus in some group they have created, just so they don’t have to recognize Jesus Christ as their God and Lord. This is how they say about Christ that he did not exist at all, which is denied by Joseph Flavius - Jewish historian, Pliny, and others, who accurately captured in their works the time when even we believers say that Christ lived among us. Others want to assign Jesus to the philosophers, others to the reformers. Some regard Jesus as a politician and generally as a person similar to us, but with a higher intellect for his time. But we know that Jesus cannot be included anywhere. He is not a social rioter, nor a dreamy thinker. He is God’s messenger, he is the mediator of salvation, therefore his words also apply to us, so that we believe, and we will be saved.
For us, the teaching of Christ is the teaching that shows us the way to eternal bliss. Let us repeat with St. Paul even today: “I know whom I have believed and I am sure” (2 Tim 1:12). Amazing confidence that can bear everything for Christ, that can move mountains, and that is the testimony for us that about itself says Jesus in the Gospel. The testimony of Christ is unshakable when we have surrendered ourselves completely to Him.
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