So-called the masses were manipulated by high priests and scribes. They didn’t know what they were shouting, but they were shouting. Such is mob psychosis. The media is attacking the family with vicious force. Magazines, newspapers, TV programs, series, and movies are destroying it… They want to tell everyone that peaceful family life is no longer in fashion, nor are happy marriages… Don’t let the devil take over your family! Fight for it now… before it’s too late.
2nd stop: He takes the cross.
He takes the cross to save us, to rescue us from the power of the devil. Now he calls us to be instruments of salvation for our families. Husband, wife, father, mother, children, unmarried, widows, all who belong to the family. When we read about Christian armor, we see that God’s most powerful weapons are available to those who read the Bible and practice it, participate in Holy Mass and the Eucharist, pray individually and together as a family, pray the rosary, belong to a prayer group… Spiritual life causes faith to grow in the heart.
3rd stop: First fall.
The first fall at the very beginning of the Way of the Cross. In every marriage, despite good intentions and correct actions, there will be a crisis. Differences in character, a different understanding of the world between men and women, and differences inherited and acquired through upbringing divide the spouses who only recently promised to be one. Screens and the advice of so-called friends advise divorce because now is the time. Don’t be mistaken, don’t be misled. Save your family!
4th stop: Meeting with the Mother.
This was no ordinary meeting. That was a deep identification with obedience, love, and pain. The Mother of God also accompanies us on our life’s journey. He also understands us and experiences every pain with us. The most correct thing we can do is to entrust ourselves and our family to her and ask for her protection. After all, she also lived in the family and understands our problems and difficulties very well. The Holy Family experienced great trials – poverty, persecution, and misunderstanding. She experienced all this in trust in God’s help and protection.
5th stop: Who will help us carry the cross?
We have the most faithful Friend who offers himself, no one forces him like Simon. God is waiting for us and wants to let us experience miracles. Whether God will heal us of our weakness or not, whether He will deliver us from our temptation or not, whether He will cause our spouse to be kinder to us or not, is not the decisive question. The important thing is that God speaks to us and calls us his friends – completely undeservedly and incomprehensible – because Christ took all our suffering and every trial of human life upon himself for us.
6th stop: Veronika was brave.
Out of all those people and compassionate women, she was the only one who did not hesitate to be different, did not hesitate to stand out from the crowd, and was not afraid to show her inner feelings outwardly. What about us, what about our family? Are we afraid to confess to Christ and accept another child because it is no longer fashionable? Are we ashamed to work honestly and still drive an old car? Do we dress according to the latest fashion, just so as not to stand out from others, although we know that our dress often borders on defiant indecency? And what else do we not keep from God’s commandments for fear of being different?
7th stop: Repeated fall.
Vicious circle. Unrecognized domestic work. Banality, stereotype, boredom. We look for an escape at work, in the company of colleagues, we build collectives, and our family stays somewhere else. Then we have nothing to say, we don’t have time for our children, we entrust them to kindergartens and groups and maybe just the street… Where did we get to, where did we find ourselves? Our family is on its knees! Let’s wake up before it’s too late! We ask for the strength to rise again. It is worth fighting for your family. God is on our side, he will help us start again.
8th stop: Jesus does not condemn women’s sympathetic cries.
Jesus does not condemn the sympathetic cries of women, he only directs them. Crying is perhaps a good start to your transformation. But just crying is not enough. It is good that we see the problems we have in our family. It is good that we do not remain indifferent to them. However, it is not enough to cry, complain, swear, or break plates. You need to start working on yourself. If I want to change my family, I have to start with myself. I can’t see, and I don’t know how? I have to get down on both knees and beg: Come, Holy Spirit, and let me see my sins and know how to correct myself.
9th stop: The most painful fall.
The most painful fall is just below the top. The very bottom of the last forces. Jesus is still rising. He is raised by love and obedience to the Father. What destroys our families the most? Infidelity, divorce, abortion, alcohol, drugs? These are very painful experiences. There would not be such consequences if we removed their causes early on disobedience to God and parents, egoism, pride, greed, envy, self-indulgence, consumerism, and comfort. Let’s not look so much for what the world offers us, but let’s turn our spiritual eyes to God and figure out what is most important for our family.
10th stop: Undressing.
Undressing. Jesus also accepted this humiliation. They tore off the dusty, blood-soaked clothing from the battered, battered, spat-on bloody body. He had nothing left. Oh, Jesus! How are undressing and dressing in our families? We allow ourselves to be undressed by fashion, dubious contests of dubious beauty, and we look at scantily clad girls who are not even aware of their humiliation when they allow themselves to be photographed and looked at like this… We buy more and more perfect screens for our homes and with them more and more opportunities to sinfully look at the exposed body and bodies… What’s going on? Shouldn’t the body be a sanctuary, a temple of the Holy Spirit?
11th stop: They nailed him to the cross.
They nailed him to the cross. Nails or love for us? Love kept him there, out of love for us he did not come down from the cross, out of love for us he bled and died on it. He gave us everything. Both your body for food and your Mother for our mother. And it is still given to us. He took nothing back. Living together in a family is based on love. We are to love one another with the love that God loves us. A love that gives itself and asks nothing in return. With a love that wants to give, a love that wants to forgive and then again and again and again, always, seventy-seven times… It’s not easy, and it’s very demanding, but with Christ everything is possible.
12th stop: Death on the cross.
Death on the cross. The sun darkened. The earth shook and the rocks cracked. Those who saw this were very frightened and said, “He was truly the Son of God.” A death in the family will also cause such a small earthquake in the lives of other family members. A person left and an empty place remained. For a certain time, our sun will stop shining. And even a stone heart sheds a tear. Maybe only then will we realize that this person was a great gift to us. And we can’t tell him now. We can’t undo anything. Well, I can do one thing: I can love more those I still have here and look forward to meeting in eternity with the one who preceded me there. Thank you, Lord, for believing in you and for believing in eternal life.
13th stop: The dead body of Jesus rests in the Mother’s arms.
The dead body of Jesus rests in the Mother’s arms. Mária pronounced her FIAT and lives it still. He confirms it even now. She is a woman of amazing faith and trust in God. He suffers a lot, but he suffers in silence. He embraces the dead body of his Son and in it embraces all of us. We thank you, Lord, that we can be members of your Mystical Body, and that we can rest in the arms of your Mother. Her arms are the safest haven for our souls and our whole family. Mary, we run to you, be the Queen of our families, be the Queen of our family too!
14th stop: Jesus is placed in the tomb.
They put Jesus in the tomb. Well, he didn’t stay there. Here begins the most joyful news: He rose on the third day! He finished his work, fulfilled the will of the Father, conquered death, and rose from the dead! If there was no resurrection, our faith would be meaningless. We would have no hope and there would be no meaning to our life or our sacrifices and suffering. Graves and cemeteries do not have to be a place of sadness for a Christian, but a place where our hope is strengthened and grows. The hope is that the greatest desire of the human soul will be fulfilled – eternal life in the loving arms of our God in the community of those we loved here.
Conclusion: Lord Jesus, we thank you that you sanctified the human family with your birth and that we were included in the family of God through baptism. We beg you, multiply our faith and trust in you, and heal our souls and our families. Pour out your love on us, that we may love one another as you have loved us.
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