Solemnity of Ascension of the Lord A Matthew 28,16-20

Who brought you to church today? Who sent you there? While you were forced? The kids could play computer games, you left the pots on the stove and left them. After all, what happens here happens the same every day, doesn’t it? And therefore, who caused you to come here? Is there something special about this temple that you preferred over other activities? Is there anything better? Or did you take it as your duty? After all, there are so many movies, interests, and other uses of time, why spend your time here? These minutes will never come back, the part of life we ​​lived here will never change! Never! We sacrificed a few minutes of our lives to God. This moment will forever be recorded in our life, it cannot be changed!

“When they saw him, they worshipped him. but some doubted. Jesus approached them and said to them: “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go then…” (Mt 28:16-20). Jesus sends his disciples to be his witnesses and live his life. It happens every day after Holy Mass when the priest says: Go in the name of God.” Jesus’ departure from Earth connected the cross and the crown. The Ascension took place on the Mount of Olives, at its foot lies Bethany. When they passed through it, they also passed through the Garden of Gethsemane, and through the place where he wept over Jerusalem. His heart was not filled with bitterness from the cross, because the ascension was the fruit of the crucifixion. As he said, it was fitting that he should suffer and thus enter into glory. He shows us an example of how we can reach heaven – through suffering, the cross, and through love. He sends people, he sends us. Jesus goes to his Father and sends us among people. Our task consists of learning, in keeping everything that the Lord has commanded us; our mission lies in the love of God. We are in this world because God’s love caused it. Everything in our life develops from love. After all, the apostles, when Jesus was ascending to heaven, were staring at the sky. The one they loved is leaving them. But God encourages them through the angels: Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking up into heaven?

This Jesus … will come as you saw him go into heaven” (Acts 1.9-11). When he ascended into heaven, he blessed them. They should wait for the coming of the Holy Spirit. They filled with joy and did so. Although, even though they stayed in the city, they did not just wait passively. But the Scripture says: “…with great joy, they returned to Jerusalem. They were still in the temple and glorified God” (Lk 24.52b-53). They waited for the Holy Spirit in joy and prayers. They did not know when he would come, but they remained in the temple, praising God and waiting, encouraged by the promise of Jesus.

Jesus is leaving, who is going to prepare a place for us in his kingdom, and power is coming from on high. Jesus did not leave completely, only physically, because, in each person of the Holy Trinity, there is the whole of God. After all, then the Lord’s words that he will be with us for all days until the end of the world would not apply. He is with us precisely through the Holy Spirit. Jesus’ ascension ends his physical activity on earth and begins the action of the apostles, our witnesses. Jesus is the King of heaven, he told Pilate himself (cf. Lk 23:2-3). According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, heaven does not denote a place, a kind of space, but the majesty of God and his presence in the hearts of the righteous (CCC 2802). However, Jesus is a different King than the worldly king (cf. Jn 18.36). His kingdom is not of this world, his kingdom is a kingdom of love and peace. He is the King who thinks more of the good of his creatures, to their happiness. “Those. who die in God’s grace and friendship with God, and are perfectly purified, live forever with Christ. They are forever like God” (CCC 1023), because they see him face to face. He. The King. came, descended to his creation, and became their servant. Jesus became our servant (cf. Phil 2, 7) so that he showed us an example of humble and devoted following of God.

When a boy or girl is in love, they can stare at their partner. When the disciples looked up to heaven, they expressed their love for Jesus. Jesus ascended physically to heaven, but in doing so He descended spiritually into the heart of man. The Lord can dwell in the heart all the time, it depends on the openness and purity of our heart. By ascending to heaven, he wants to arouse in us the desire for heaven. Jesus’ ascension does not want to take us physically out of this world but wants our hearts to be always in God’s presence, to be in heaven. When Jesus prayed, he said: “I do not ask that you take them out of the world, but that you protect them from the evil one” (Jn 17:15). Christ sends us to families, to various jobs, to communities. To be physically among people, but with the heart to be ascended to heaven, to the glory of God. Being in the presence of the Lord can be proved by our mind is always fixed on God, that we awaken the intention to do everything for the love of God. It is sometimes difficult to do this, but daily prayer will slowly begin to introduce us to it. Whenever we remember God, then we can arouse our love for God so that at the end of our lives we too can honestly say: It is finished” (Jn 19.30). Jesus won for us eternal life, which we will live in communion with God, we contemplate, we always look at his face and we are happy. And all we need is the desire for God, for heaven, and the pursuit of a pure life. we contemplate, we keep looking at his face, and we are happy. And all we require is the desire for God, for heaven, and the pursuit of a clean life. we contemplate, we keep looking at his face, and we are happy. And all we need is the desire for God, for heaven, and the pursuit of a clean life.

St. John Maria Vianney says: “We could be holy and even work miracles, but if we lack love, we will not get to heaven.” God has shown us his love, and now it is our turn to show our love for him. May we example, Abraham, who obeyed God with love and wanted to sacrifice his only son? And many others… Such heroism is possible only out of love for God. “Because God is the king of the whole earth. sing to him a song of praise, God reigns over the nations. God sits on to his holy throne” (Psalm 47:8-9). So why did we come here, who drew us here to the temple? It is this God, his love. The King of the entire earth and heaven, who still gives himself to us today in the forms of bread and wine. He ascended to heaven today and wants to take us too. therefore he used maybe our friend, Mom or Dad. Grandma or we came because we long for heaven. into which only the saints will enter.

Lord Jesus, you are the one to whom all power is given in heaven and on earth, King of Israel, thank you for giving us life today with you and your Father in heaven Thank you that today we have become owners of paradise we are with you mystically and at the same time realistically raised to heavenly heights. Through you, we have gained extraordinary grace from what we have lost. Please make us holy, so that we always do everything with love, and that we keep everything that you have commanded us. Teacher, teach us to be always in your presence, to be a witness. Lord, arm us with power from on high, I want to reach heaven, help me. Holy Spirit, I am waiting for you, come! 

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